Jundroo developers, i am telling you all, please make the website security better so that theres less bots on the site. Look how easy it is for me to make 10 accounts, and tahst with human intervantion, someone could write code to make thousands of accounts especially as 1. the captcha DOESNT CHANGE, 2. theres no cooldown for making multiple accounts, 3. you can add dots between the name in an email and it will still redirect to the same email without the email being logged as already used, as in for example email@gmail.com and e.m.a.il@gmail.com, wtf?
@phrongus Ooh!
When's the wedding?
yeah... the security on this site has never been too great, I mean hell back when they added forum posts, I found out you could edit other people's posts by simply changing "/View" in the URL to "/Edit".
@phrongus truly
@Kangy is this a :3 moment
@phrongus yes
are we getting married
@Dathcha idk they used to be superliner350, who's been around for a couple years I think.
@Aviator720 you clearly havent been here long, spam bots and people having their accounts hacked were not uncommon a while ago, the site could really use better security.
@Aviator720 website security is extremely important. You don’t want accounts to be hacked again, right?
@Upv0000000006 oh yeah!
Like ginny and his map directions
@Aviator720 this issue of bots has been going on for a while now and the devs havent done any long term solutions to fix it