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Touhou Jet: Broken Border~Gensokyo Invasion (Episode 3)

11.0k GabrielSatori  1.3 years ago

*The story is entirely fictional, any resemblance to real event is purely accidental.

*Swearing warning
This story is a fictional war scenario and will include a few swearings in the story, but they will only appear in character’s speeches, the regular body will be fine.

Episode 3: Beasts from the North

The next day after the first wave attack, at around 12 o’clock, the first supply aircraft makes a landing at the SAAC factory, it is a weapon cargo plane camouflaged as a civilian aircraft. After taxiing to the parking zone, the aircraft opens its tail and an unloading vehicle goes to take out the supplies from the plane. The flight crew steps out of their plane and goes to meet Masayoshi. “Hello, how are you?” the captain speaks in Russian, but just right when the translator about to repeat what he just said, “I’m fine, what about you?”, Masayoshi replies in Russian as well which surprised the translator a bit. “I’m good as well, have anything bad happened here?” the captain says, “So far so good, not many things are damaged.” Masayoshi answers, “Alright, so this big girl we have here carries a few missiles, bombs and guns for your military and your air force, I’m gonna show them, come with me.” says the captain. Masayoshi and a few engineers follow the flight crew to the crates that are just unloaded and are lying on the ground. The captain tells one of his men to open the crates. One of them has 21 R-77X Black Comet, the world’s first stealth air-to-air missile, known to take out its target without triggering a single alarm which makes them very deadly. Another one has some free fall bombs. There’s a big crate, pop open it reveal a massive nuclear free fall bomb with the name Solntse (lit means Sun in Russian) written on the body, on the opposite side there’s a sentence “Greeting From Russia” written as well, these guys sure have some good humor. There’s a small one, inside it has some weapon blueprints designed by the finest engineers of the Russian aircraft weapon manufacturers. There’re some other crates and they carry common weapons such as R-77, R-27, etc, and many others have materials for Gensokyo to build the weapons from the blueprints when they needed. After giving the supplies to SAAC, the flight crew say goodbye to everyone, the aircraft then takes off, leaves Gensokyo and returns to Russia. Time goes by and things seem somewhat quiet, nothing happens at all, no enemies are spotted, it is just a strangely peaceful day.

3pm, at the Hakurei Shrine, Reimu just woke up from an afternoon nap. She looks around and sees the key on her table. She’s having thoughts as she stares at that key. After a short quiet while, she decides to find whatever that key unlocks. She puts the key in her hand and goes outside, she looks around, there’s nothing, as Yukari said, it isn’t in plain sight. But there’s only one possible place where the said granary is in, behind the Hakurei shrine, on the other side of the airfield, there’s a big forest, Reimu has never gone in there. After another while, she starts walking and goes into the forest. About 15 minutes of searching, she has found it, a small granary built out of wood, it looks like it has been abandoned for a very long while, the wood is darkened by water, some planks are loose, the entire thing can barely holds itself together. Reimu sees a lock on the handle, she uses the key to unlock it, then she opens the door and steps inside. Inside there’s a few sleeves, she takes a look at the items that are on them. The things that have her interest are a picture sealed with some ofuda, two flightsuits, one for a man and one for a woman, the one for a man is a black and white flightsuit, however the flightsuit for a woman has a black and red color scheme, and lastly is a red ribbon with black trims. Reimu takes the ribbon and put it near her shirt and she is surprised, they have the same red color, and this ribbon looks just like hers, which means it belonged to a shrine maiden like her, but who? Furthermore, there’re also some flightsuits as well, who are they belong to? Reimu has no answer for those questions. Reimu decides to bring the ribbon and the picture back to her shrine. At the shrine, she uses her magic to remove the ofudas. Her eyes opens wide as the picture is revealed to be a family picture, a woman with a red and black trim miko outfit, she wore the same ribbon that Reimu brings to the shrine, next to her is a man, possibly her husband, Reimu looks closer and she sees a female child being carried in the mother’s arms. Reimu puts the picture down, look over to the ribbon, (A shrine maiden with the same color as me…? Could she be a predecessor of mine? But this picture has color so it must be in the modern days… Wait… Could she even be…) Reimu eyes open wide again (my mother?… But the only one I’ve been calling mom is Yukari… ugh, my head…), Reimu has a headache just from the picture alone, nothing makes sense to her, nothing is connectable. The only piece that connects all of this together isn’t available, it is in her childhood memories which is lost. After a long while, Reimu decides to go to the Moriya shrine, Sanae’s house to talk with her a bit and maybe share to Sanae about her situation as well. But thing doesn’t go the way she thinks, the Moriya shrine is abandoned, there’s no one home, not a single soul can be seen in there, so Reimu can only go back to her shrine. She arrives home at around 7pm, she makes her dinner, have it and then goes to put the picture and the red and black ribbon in a drawer. She then drinks some teas and goes to sleep. Aside from what Reimu has uncovered today, everything else is normal… or that's what it seems…

10pm, Pacific Ocean between Japan and Gensokyo

“Alright, it’s time folks, let’s give them a surprise attack! All ship set sail!” The admiral on the JN Zuikaku from the same fleet in the first attack orders his fleet to move to Gensokyo for a surprise attack. The fleet has only 20 ships but this time it consists of another supercarrier, the JN Hiryuu, a long supercarrier with 2 landing runways in a v shape and 6 catapults; there’s also the JN Ibuki, a prototype battlecruiser with 5 railgun turrets, 3 missile silos, torpedo launchers, grenade launchers and a helicopter. However, as they move closer and closer, a storm starts forming. The storm feels somewhat both natural and unnatural at the same time, it is very heavy, the rain completely blinds the entire fleet, the waves are up to 10 meters high, lightnings constantly struck onto the sea, making loud thunder noises, the fleet has troubles moving to Gensokyo. “This isn’t what I expected.” the captain of the JN Zuikaku says, “Mogami, have you spotted anything unusual?” the admiral asks the JN Mogami which is leading the fleet at the moment, “No sir, we haven’t spotted anything yet!” the commander replies. After the Mogami jumps over a few more waves, suddenly… *Penetrated, a big explosion occurs in the middle of the JN Mogami, looking at the fire from the explosion, it’s clear that the Mogami has been hit by a super fast projectile. The Mogami was hit in the power room and the entire ship shut down. The ship has barely enough electricity for the captain to report to the admiral: “This is JN Mogami, we have been hit by a railgun! The projectile came from 30° direction! Al- sai-lor-… evac-…cua-… *radio statics. ”All ships, status report! What the hell is going on?!” the admiral says, “This is JN Kongou, we’ve spotted an unknown naval fleet with 10 ships on our radar! An aircraft carrier, 2 cruisers, 5 frigates and 2 subs! They are heading 210!” the commander of the JN Kongou report to the admiral. A spotter on the frigate JN Kamikaze uses the binoculars to look for visuals, as he is looking at the 30 degrees Northeast, a lightning strikes in that direction, a small flash of light reveals the silhouettes of a massive supercarrier with ski-jump, 2 massive trimaran battlecruisers, the spotter also catches a glimpse of what looks like SU-57s taking off from the carrier. He then reports to the commander of the ship and the commander of the JN Kamikaze speaks to the fleet: “All hands man your battle station! The enemy just launched their planes, they look like SU-57!”. The admiral says: “SU-57?! They must be SU-57B and only the Russian Federation’s Shtorm supercarrier has them!”, “What?! The Shtorm carrier?! It’s no good, we are facing a dangerous fleet! We are no match for them! W-Why are they here anyway?!”, “All ships, weapons are free, fire at them! Carriers, launch fighters!” says the admiral. The Japanese ships start firing at the Russians, but the Russians are also quick to respond, “Fleet spread out! Return fire!!” the Russian commander says. “Enemies incoming!” a commander yells as two squadrons of SU-57B with a total of 6 planes approach the fleet, the aircrafts start shooting at the Japanese fleet with air-to-ground missiles and cruise missiles, damaging the entire fleet. It’s like SU-57Bs are dancing in the sky between AA bullets and missiles, talk about skills. The two supercarriers are only able to launch out 8 planes before their catapults are damaged by air-to-ground missiles, all 8 planes are shot down by the squadrons. After they run out of ammo and weapons, they quickly turn around to return to the Shtorm. But just when they turn around, “What the fuck is that thing?!” the commander of the JN Kongou spots a weird looking SU-57 painted in snow white with inward sloping vertical stabilators (normal SU-57 has outward sloping vertical stabilators). The aircraft launches all 6 glide bombs on its wings towards the fleet, one of them hit an already damaged frigate and shut it down, forcing the sailors to evacuate. When the strange white SU-57 is near the fleet, it suddenly pitches up into a climb, then opens its weapons bay and release a massive bomb, 3 seconds after launch the shell of the bomb separates into 4 parts and then it ejects the mini-bombs inside, it’s the Kassetnaya Bomba, the Russian naval cluster bomb, the pilot aims it at the JN Hiryuu. The bomb blows up multiple aircrafts on the deck, knocking some sailors off the deck and damages the AA turrets. Some mini-bombs are blown by the heavy wind and fly to the JN Ibuki right next to the Hiryuu, damage some of its AA turrets as well. “We’re no match for them, all ships retreat!!”, the Japanese admiral says. The admiral is also able to catch a glimpse of the silver rose emblem on the vertical tail of the aircraft. When the fleet is retreating, the Ibuki fires all of its railguns at the enemy, however due to low visibility and shots are made when turning, all 5 projectiles end up not hitting anything, the enemy battlecruiser however return fires with just one shell and it rips away 2 Ibuki’s railguns. The Japanese fleet quietly retreat away and not open fire afterwards. Ironically, they’re the ones who are being surprise attacked. Going to the other fleet, those guys are the Russian Special Naval Force, also known as “The Pirates”, it consists of the Shtorm, the only supercarrier with ski-jump in the world; 2 RN Samara, trimaran battlecruisers, aimed with railguns and radar guided missiles, able to carries up to 4 KA-52 helicopters; 5 Project 20386 stealth frigates, aimed with rapid fire 203mm cannons, radar guided missiles and laser anti-air turrets; and 2 RN Volgograd, massive stealth submarines aimed with RSM-67 Mace II ICBM and a new type of jet torpedo. The fleet then change course and make their way to Gensokyo. The next day, Gensokyo is greeted with a strange sight of the Russian Special Naval Force docked at the Southwest harbor, the captains and commanders have a speech in Gensokyo, introducing themselves with “The Pirates” nickname, they say that they have been sent here by the Russian government after they were notified that Gensokyo is under attack again. However the strangest thing of all is something that nobody in Gensokyo know: the strange snow white SU-57 has disappeared, where did it go? No one have an answer for that question.

*At an Eastern Russian airbase

“So, how’s the operation going?”
“Everything has gone according to plan, Snow Demon, the fleet has arrived in Gensokyo.”
“Good to hear that, now it’s just our part.”
*Door opens
“Well hello there, Sanae, my sweet daughter, what have brought you here?”
“Hello dad, it’s been a long time, of course I’m here for a reason.”

*To be continued…

Thanks for reading, the next part will be released in the next Saturday so stay tuned!