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I made a race track (question)

33.4k DDVC  1.2 years ago

I made a race track that I have to scale to 100 times to be real scale. Here is the track:

And here is the track plan:

Unfortunately after I scale it to 100, I can't find any place that big enough to place the circuit. The size after scaling is about 1.8 km x 1.6 km. Is there any of you that have a solution?

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    33.4k DDVC

    @DatMaluchGuy19 ok turs out you can drive here, but the wheel have to connected to a physics part like suspension or rotator. I think if the wheel is connected to a set of connected fuselage without breaking the connection by a physics part, the map only selected one wheel to be able to collide, but that's just my theory.

    1.2 years ago
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    33.4k DDVC

    @DatMaluchGuy19 Its alright, I'm not as active as I was so maybe that's the reason. Anyway, Here is the circuit, I hope you enjoy!

    1.2 years ago
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    29.8k YarisSedan

    @DDVC yeah! i surely do! still sad how a platinum rank android users like you can fall into obscurity though...

    1.2 years ago
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    33.4k DDVC

    @DatMaluchGuy19 yeah I don't know what I have to do anymore. I change the connection of the wheel, I check the collision of the wheel, I change the collision response of the wheel to None, and its still clipping. But, if you still want the unscaled version, tell me, I'll give the link. I'm sorry for your disappointment.

    1.2 years ago
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    29.8k YarisSedan

    @DDVC that's sad :<

    1.2 years ago
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    33.4k DDVC

    @DatMaluchGuy19 actually one out of 4 wheels keep clipping into the ground. I might not continuing this circuit

    +1 1.2 years ago
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    33.4k DDVC

    @DatMaluchGuy19 since the map mod is broken I don't think i will make train anymore until there is solution available and tested.

    +1 1.2 years ago
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    29.8k YarisSedan

    @DDVC stockholm metro c14 when, also, T

    1.2 years ago
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    33.4k DDVC

    @32 I'll take it into consideration, thank you

    1.2 years ago
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    31.0k 32

    Make it float, you'll probably need a water start location that isn't default. There's probably somewhere on Maywar that would work, but you're on mobile so that ain't gonna happen.

    1.2 years ago