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3,342 AfkSlot  1.2 years ago

Could i disable Gravity with the dev console? if yes i would be excited to recreate the virtue cast off scene if no thank you for telling me so i wouldn't waste alot of my time

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    23.1k KudaOni

    Although you'd need a gyro to balance the thruster upright. I use this method as a hover system since I can't really figure out PID's yet

    6 months ago
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    23.1k KudaOni

    I used to think that setting an object's mass to zero would have the same effect but unfortunately it's still the same thing. You could try determining the detaching part's total mass and using a thruster to counteract the weight.
    Part is 10 Kg
    10 kg × 9.81 (acc due to grav)
    98.1 Newtons
    And a simple engine is
    15,000 Newtons of thrust so you divide 98.1 by the 15000 Newtons and you'd get 0.00654
    You then place that number on the max input of the engine.

    6 months ago
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    61.8k TheMouse

    I believe that there is a mod for changing gravity, however, I do not have it, (i am on moblie) so I am no expert on this ;)

    +1 1.2 years ago