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FT and "simple"planes [Is it currently possible to create a whole chatbot using the label?]

214 WhyTfIsEveryUsernameTaken  1.2 years ago

Is it currently possible to create a whole chatbot using the label?

I don't think an actual AI chatbot are possible but is it possible to create a simple rule-based chatbot that uses a set replies instead of generating it's own word.

Example: if the user typed "hello" the chatbot would reply with a simple "hi".

I think I've seen someone created a fully working keyboard before, using only labels and buttons.

I might be stupid for asking this but I'm genuinely curious. I mean, I've seen some rather breathtaking creations made by the users, such as, doom, calculator, snake game and other amazing stuff that i would never thought possible if i was not on this site.

I call out to you all funky wizards out there to give your thoughts on this subject.

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    @32 that would already be good enough, just think about the possibility lol

    +1 1.2 years ago
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    31.1k 32

    Probably, I think if you had a working text box you could write some simple code that says "if the user input is [phrase] output [other phrase]", and it would be cool but not super useful. I might try messing with it to see if I can make something.

    +2 1.2 years ago
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    39.0k Graingy

    This is reminding me of a very special conversation I once had under a prior AI post.
    Thing got dark the moment I showed up.

    +2 1.2 years ago