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Build Stealer

50.6k ShinyGemsBro  1.2 years ago
After taking a little stroll in AntonWings' Spitfire post comment section,
I came across this guy that Anton responded to regarding a build request:

I jumped down the rabbit hole to see what the little fuss is about,
and as I dug deeper, I found out that this guy..

Has an entire warehouse full of stolen builds. I've checked every
single one of them and almost all of them are credited to him.
When the truth is...

I mean, I pretty much leech off of other people's work too
but at least I give credit where and when it's due.
Oh, and to make it even worse:

This is literally his response to AntonWings after the latter exercised his rights to copyright on his BF-109G that this user took and deliberately broke the autocredit system to claim as his own.

Please, report this guy. Here's the link to his profile so you all could see it for yourselves

If his posts suddenly disappear from his profile, it would only mean he tried to burn evidence.

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    50.6k ShinyGemsBro

    @O202 This forum post is about the user being a content thief and his refusal to comply to the rules of the community and copyright laws in general.
    Do not bring your personal biases and or support for hatred against a people group for historical controversies or whatnot to this comment section. You and many others who share the same opinion will only start more controversy; as if the moderators don't already have enough on their plate along with their busy lives.
    Freedom of speech is a thing and alot of people, including me, are aware of that. But just because you have that right does not mean you get to abuse it and incite hate.
    Do not show yourself in any of my comment sections or anyone else's again when you have nothing of note or good to say.
    Your account has been reported. I know who you are.

    Pinned 1.2 years ago
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    justice has been served, please report to me any builds you recognize are stolen so i can remove the posts, I do realize that you can't access their profile as they're banned now. But if you do recognize some of the builds please respond with a link to the original.

    Pinned 1.2 years ago
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    50.6k ShinyGemsBro

    I just felt that had to do this. And on behalf of the other users too who ended up getting their work stolen and claimed by this donk who's trying so hard.
    To those who think this wasn't really something to make a forum post about, I completely understand. "Report and move on" and all that. But this'll also serves as an awareness post. Don't hesitate to hit the report button if you know well enough something's not right. The moderators will get on the case and reply back if it's a legitimate problem, or mistaken.

    Pinned 1.2 years ago
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    6,734 SPsidearm

    "If i have it, it's mine!" Ahh guy.

    +1 7 months ago
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    No picture? (ಠಿ⁠_⁠ಠ )

    +3 11 months ago
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    71.3k 929

    (I just saw this while I’m looking at the forums, So I’m here just to make a comment about the stealers like PeterMuller)

    To be honest, there are many stealers like him on this website who steal other people's work, and sometimes they even will come back to bite you (which is you know, swearing). And he happens to be just one of those examples. I've actually had my work stolen, and I'm pretty sure other people have too. Although I am a Chinese player, but I fully support all actions to maintain the environment of this website. I hope that there will be fewer and fewer stealers like PeterMuller. And at last, I’ll like to say that Justice may be late, but it will never be absent!


    +1 one year ago
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    15.8k SiBangsatYa

    Why the fvck from stolen builds went to political stuff

    +2 1.1 years ago
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    @Talon7192 “diverse” cuisine is mainly present in the southern regions since there’s a wide variety of flora and fauna there. In fact, many Southeast Asian countries like Malaysia, Thailand and Laos have some form of snake cuisine

    1.1 years ago
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    6,960 G2

    what the fuck 💀

    1.1 years ago
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    27.4k ToeTips

    First two nukes
    Then Godzilla
    Now this?

    Japan cant catch a break.

    +1 1.1 years ago
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    28.4k LM0418

    This just pisses me off

    +2 1.2 years ago
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    @DatMaluchGuy19 it’s probably a Southeast Asian thing; the majority of cars here are Japanese too

    +3 1.2 years ago
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    29.8k YarisSedan

    @RepublicOfCursedPlanes also, upvote antonwings instead, since he's the original creator of those unjustifiably stolen planes.

    1.2 years ago
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    29.8k YarisSedan

    @RepublicOfCursedPlanes here is the thing... japanese cars are common here in Indonesia, and that includes pickup trucks, not a big one mind you, and yeah, its wild that this goofy ahh person even thought that commenting that bs is somehow going to get people to defend him.

    +1 1.2 years ago
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    58.9k Pan

    scroll through the forums
    see average build stealer complaint
    nanking massacre

    this place is wild yo

    +4 1.2 years ago
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    @Strucker this is more than just plagarism; it’s xenophobia. Notice that all the stolen builds were stolen from Japanese users (not sure about Alisuchanka, but his OC is Russian-Japanese).
    Sure, in WW2 the Japanese did commit many atrocities (my country had its own massacre where 5-20 thousand Chinese were killed), but that was literally over 80 years ago; the vast majority of Japanese today weren’t even born during the war. Although Japan still hasn’t apologised for it, it’s literally the government’s problem, and I don’t see why people like PeterMuller here should take it out on ordinary citizens whose only crime is being of a Japanese nationality.
    P.S. I thought his builds were actually good and I even upvoted him; this is just disappointing

    +2 1.2 years ago
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    How did blud even manage to compare a stolen plane on to the Nanking Massacre 💀💀💀

    +5 1.2 years ago
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    49.3k AntonWings

    I am relieved that justice has been done.
    I believe the following works were copied without permission, although this may be inaccurate as I can't see his account already.
    Tonnkatsu's B-17
    Tonnkatsu's A6M1
    Alisuchanka's Bf-109
    Sorry if I'm wrong.

    +3 1.2 years ago
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    @ShinyGemsBro His Account is Banned Now!!!!

    1.2 years ago
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    @FairFireFlight Based

    1.2 years ago
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    Call Me RAF Bomber command As I’m gonna bombard it with Reports

    +1 1.2 years ago
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    27.4k ToeTips

    Like goodluck trying to Plagiarise SilverPanzer

    +3 1.2 years ago
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    27.8k Strucker

    When your bio has to tell people not to claim you plagiarise you know you’re doing it wrong. Can’t people at least plagiarise well?
    On another similar note, I think it’s probably harder to plagiarise fictional crafts. But also plagiarism is always always going to be found out regardless.

    +1 1.2 years ago
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    29.8k YarisSedan

    @66 average bronze/white rank chinese users coping hard and then proceeds to accuse people of copying (how ironic):

    +2 1.2 years ago
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