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Which thumbnail do you like better?

1,440 QazEEqaZ  8 months ago

Ok, this is a proper teaser now instead of just a looping gif, which thumbnail do you guys like better out of these? And why?

number 1

number 2

number 3

Also happy new years

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    1,440 QazEEqaZ

    1- 2
    2- 3
    3- 3

    Pinned 8 months ago
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    1,331 WormWithLegs


    +1 8 months ago
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    12.5k Talon7192


    +1 8 months ago
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    29.4k 32

    2, but the background could use a bit more blur or something to make the plane stand out more. It has by far the best angle and lighting. 1 stands out the best but the lighting is pretty bad, and 3 is just not a very good angle in my opinion. It is pretty visually interesting to look at though.

    +1 8 months ago
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    71.4k Zerkk


    +1 8 months ago
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    20.5k LM0418

    3 or 1 is fine.

    +1 8 months ago
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    mostly because the sky contrasts more with the plane compared to the mountains in image no. 2, thus the plane stands out in image 1 and will be more noticeable to the audience. More of the plane is also visible in image 1.

    +1 8 months ago
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    +1 8 months ago