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Bug with gyroscopes

9,263 Pophead  1.1 years ago

You can no longer turn off auto-Stabilization on the gyros it will say off but it doesn’t actually work

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    31.0k 32

    @Pophead nah you're good, that feature is pretty much the opposite of self-explanatory. I actually had to mess around and experiment a little to find out how it worked.

    1.1 years ago
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    9,263 Pophead

    Well now I feel like a retard

    1.1 years ago
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    31.0k 32

    Auto-orient is not supposed to turn off the gyroscope’s stabilization. To do that, you just lower both sliders all the way to 0. What auto-orient does is choose whether to try to point the top of the aircraft straight up, regardless of the direction the gyro is oriented (enabled) or if it’s disabled, it will try to point the aircraft in the direction the gyroscope points. I’m not really sure how to explain this in a way that makes more sense, so here’s a demo aircraft. AG1 activates an auto-orient gyro, AG2 activates one without auto-orient.

    1.1 years ago
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    29.8k YarisSedan

    Dude, The IOS Version Is Buggy Y'know? It Still Worked Just Fine On My End Since Im On Android.

    1.1 years ago