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Can you make a Boeing and Airbus and McDonnell Douglas

705 AkhiraTan0232  1.2 years ago

Make some Boeing 707,717,727,737,747,757,767,777,787
And Airbus A300,A310,A32x,A330,A340,A350,A380
Can't forget about McDonnell Douglas dc-1,dDc-2,Dc-3,Dc-8,Dc-9,Dc-10,Dc-11,Md-80,Md-81,Md-82,Md-83,Md-87,Md-88,Md,90

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    Well because in my cellphone when I download a plane that has 300,400,500,600 parts it makes my simpleplanes lag at that moment

    +1 1.2 years ago
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    1. Cant you make it?
    2. There is lots of those planes on the site already.
    +4 1.2 years ago