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Petty Rivalry - Kaga M1

3,195 S0og  1.1 years ago

Since the dawn of the People's Republic of Eystra, there has always been a rivalry between the army and the navy. The company that won the MCVP was Rem State with the "slight assistance" of the Veiian Army. Desperate, Tengjing Arsenal accused the RSI of bribing the Ministry of Defence, which surprisingly turned out to be true. A second round of testing was held between the T5 and the Kenko M1 (an Improved version of the XT1). The new conflict in Suscena led the program to have different requirements the T5 no longer fulfilled. At the dusk of 1990, the M1 was chosen.

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    3,195 S0og

    @LJh1 this is about my fictional country, not the PRC, sorry.

    1.1 years ago
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    32.7k LJh1

    To be honest, I have lived in China for so many yearsI never knew what the China navy and army were doingBut seriously, your challenge is quite interesting

    1.1 years ago