So I have been trying to create some missles for my new plane, and I want to know what the values for xml modding are. I know maxTargetingAngle, and lockTime, but what are the other ones? I know that there are more than that. Also, (side question) why do all the xml values have to be put in as a non capital letter?
Thats fine. If you know of any other of these guides please tell me, (for other peices) cause that was super helpfull.
Cant remember tbh.
do you know who made it? It was so helpful, I will definitely site them in my post.
Your welcome.
Its basically just programming language stuff. Due to the capital H in
it assumes its something different. Details like this are different depending on the programming language, although I am not a programmer soooo... Do something with salt idk.On how that would help on a build. Well with variables and stuff, pretty advanced though.
@ToeTips WOW. THANKS SO MUCH!!! this is amazing. also, what does Hello mean, and what does hello mean? I cannot imagine how that would help you in a build.
Click here
You will see all the values in there.
Also idk why, probably how it was coded since
mean different things.