Simpleplanes (was) down for few days (i definitely know it's not the jundroo's fault D: ), and now even Discord's image host ability is down. What site it would be next time?
(If you won't believe the discord's image host is down, then click Here)
Simpleplanes (was) down for few days (i definitely know it's not the jundroo's fault D: ), and now even Discord's image host ability is down. What site it would be next time?
(If you won't believe the discord's image host is down, then click Here)
Discord's image hosting wasn't worked just for a moment but it worked again, wtf..
@Randomplayer I hope roblox isn't next
@Randomplayer burrito time
But this time
Is this Y2K unexpectedly?
Wtf this is weird
TF2's item servers were down as well.
@Randomplayer I can fully agree
The discord image hosting is working on my latest post so idk
@Randomplayer no mercy
Roblox is next