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Downloading Every Plane Possible?

580 ab  1.1 years ago

Due to the announcement of a stop of updates and the latest outage I am concerned about for how long this website will still be available. I am inquiring wether there would be a way to download the XML file of every single plane on the website. As a test, i downloaded the XML of the 25 newest planes from the website (newest so that i get the average planes and not only the best of the best that are mostly more detailed) and calculated that the average file size of a plane released today is 217,6 KB.

The number of planes was more tricky to find out. The shop page on steam shows it as "Over 100 000 Free Airplanes".
The image as shown on the steam page This number however, is most likely extremely out of date, as all the planes shown in the images are still built without 1.11 cockpit. I therefore estimated the number of planes to be around 1 Million.

Using these numbers we get a total file size of around 218 GB worth of data, which is actually way less than I expected and could easily fit on a hard drive
a picture of the how much the amount of data is in different sizes

This is why I was asking wether there would be a way to automatically download the XML of every plane. I tried to make a program for that, but couldn't find a way to know all the ID things of the planes and that number that is put before the id in the file link for the xmls
I was forced to make it slowly go down the list of the top planes of all time, click on every single one and download the xml from there which is really slow will probably break halfway for no apparent reason. This is why I am asking anyone more experienced in doing stuff like that (basically everyone on this site lol) about a better and less naive way of getting all the XMLs

(Holy shi- I just scrolled up the first time now, I didn't realise this text was so long, oops)

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    one year ago
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    I still can’t stress how much I thank you

    one year ago
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    Really? Wow wasn’t expecting that, thank you for upvoting!

    one year ago
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    580 ab

    @Jjjohnson yoo, you are the first one to find that, congrats

    one year ago
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    Banana. Also thanks for the upvote

    +1 one year ago
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    182 Sentry037

    Yobibyte???????? Bro didn't know they went that far

    one year ago
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    38.2k Graingy

    I calculated the total at 854,670 uploads.
    Granted, the bottom seems... unstable, the absolute low shifting constantly, to say the least, but at least I got to feel like a bathyscaphe diver.

    one year ago
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    38.2k Graingy

    @32 Aight thanks

    one year ago
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    31.0k 32

    @Graingy I’ll try and figure it out and send links to you next time I’m on my computer.

    +1 one year ago
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    38.2k Graingy

    @32 tried it, can’t get it to work :(

    1.1 years ago
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    38.2k Graingy

    @32 :O

    1.1 years ago
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    31.0k 32

    @Graingy you can figure it out because page number is in the url. You can change the url to go to say page 5000. If there’s planes there, you increase the number by another couple thousand. If there aren’t planes showing, you decrease the number by a few hundred.

    +1 1.1 years ago
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    38.2k Graingy

    @32 I assume you multiplied by page number, but how’d you get page number?

    1.1 years ago
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    38.2k Graingy

    Yeah, that image is ANCIENT.
    No way it provides an accurate depiction.

    1.1 years ago
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    31.0k 32

    I did the math a few months ago and there were like 700K airplanes on the site, I’d estimate that number’s grown quite a bit tho. As for automating the archival stuff f every plane on the site, maybe a Python script or something could download all of the files and maybe include the owner’s username in the file name. You might try asking on Stack Overflow or a similar coding forum for a script like this.
    Instead of figuring out each plane’s id, you could go to the highest rated of all time page and have the script automatically go through every plane on the list.

    +1 1.1 years ago