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LVF-10 (LVGAA-1100) Teaser - A6 and A10 had a baby(?)

247 TheAviatorFlak  1.2 years ago

So quick talk, I finally reached Bronze a few days ago which is pretty cool. Anyways, I've been wanting to tease this on the SP forums for a while (This is a build I've teased a few times on r/Simpleplanes during the site being down for a couple days). The planes a ground attack aircraft with 2 massive 100mm cannons mounted on it which has a 0.4 fire delay, and also bombs and stuff I guess.

I've been working on it for basically an entire week now and exams just started so I'm limited to only building the cockpit, however I do want to show 2 images of how its going now and I think it flies well (Wobbling in a straight line is a problem). Its mostly based off of the A6 Intruder but the engine placements are definitely inspired by the A10. I will probably post it upon the cockpits completion and I do hope yall will enjoy it!