Everyone's build is Great!
sorry for the delay. School was on
1: TIE Advanced V1
Well done!
This aircraft reached my expectation range. Absolutely amazing, with FT and Great modeling.
2+: JAAP 7th Gen
Invincible. Poor cover pic. Amazing Custom Gear, Retractable Wing, and guns.
2+: Hyperthrust Triumphant
3:Ac-47 Assassin
Amazing Camera setups! And Armaments! Unlucky for you only 2 upvotes...
Very Nice build. Great take off, and cockpit. The texturing was dark, cool.
4: F65 Blackshadow
Great build! Cockpit was amazing! The helmet HUD was astounding. Blocky.
5: Gudters Fendkiral-ATG
I love the thrust vectoring, and the FT missiles. Bit disappointed of the maneuvers, but the others points were great.
6: F-98 Falcon
Cool build. Cockpit a bit weird, but nice armaments.
7: UAV bomb
Great, looks futuristic, but need more cockpit and more FT codes. Great Attempt!
@Panzerwaifu69 @Kerbango
@LJh1 @FOXHOUND26 @JBPAviation
@pohhhhhhum , @VarisTheWingers , @Numbers2