11 months ago I released my B-202 “Double Take” as a stand-in for a Silver celebration, since the project needed completion after a long while and I had nothing else lined up. Thanks, Welshman. Fellow got me past the 1000 mark.
This had come a few months after the end of a roughly 1.5 year long hiatus. Way back in the fossil record of my posts, back when I was actually active, there was an 0.8 year long hiatus I only recently noticed. That came to an end 4.8 years ago with the first jet fighter I’ve ever posted, another thing I only recently realized.
Anyhow, back on track.
It too me about 5 years to reach Silver. In the past year I’ve gotten past 9,000.
I think it has to do with both me treating this site as a forum in and of itself, resulting in more connections and engagement, as well as what feels like a sort of cultural shift resulting in more upvoting happening.
Also shitposting. People love shitposting.
I guess what I’m trying to say is, wow.
Just, wow.
I sat in the Bronze mud puddle for 5 years and now I’m near the end of actually seeing my points?!
That’ll suck.
Anyhow, my brain is a bit broken so Imma go sleepy now and hopefully not die soon.
Thanks, random planesite people. I’m now in the petty bourgeoisie.
@EnglishGarden beanis
cool beans
@Randomplayer Isn't PSPlus a bit... expensive?
Granted, when I had it (on PS4) I only ever played SWBF2 for a few months, if that, then stopped...
@Graingy PS5
@Randomplayer what system?
@Graingy yup
@Randomplayer TV? You play on console or something?
@Graingy guess the permalink didn’t work. sigh
Update: my tv turned off for leaving it on too long lol
@Randomplayer oh, right. Lmao.
Imma git you! >:)
And enjoy the pain. I guess.
I’ve been involuntarily free for years so uh hahahaha looser!!!!!1!11!! Hahahshshahahahahahshahaushhahahsshahahshahahabzbhshahaa haha ha
@Randomplayer ground
@Graingy just trying to return the favor =) Also don’t worry, you won’t accurately see your point count by tomorrow =)
@Randomplayer naval?
@Graingy first time I truly laughed out loud in a while
On a side note I’ve been try to load into a war thunder match for 34 minutes and 17 seconds.
@73 Graingy: Grain harder
@RandomPlayer Haha! You’re killing me RandomPlayer.
You really are.
Graingy PSA: Grains of Sand