(In order)
First one voted by the community:
LunareclipseSP's destroyer
KSB24's simple kia
001's senator armstrong
honorable mention:
CR929thenewSPplayer's ryan firebee
NavalGunnery's air barrage balloon
first one voted by me
WritersCrusadersAirCo's mk3 aa tank
Monarchii's ground kanone
And last be not least,MABURv2's A-A-V
I will give the prices soon
@Monarchii i guess it is
@Yish42 that's basically how it works, you dont even need to make an entry in the variable, you can just yeet it in the rotator input, but it sure is easier no?
@Monarchii all i know (for now) about these,is the camera variable to make camera turret
problem is just it doesn't exactly like VR controls
@Yish42 using the variables tab is easy and eases up the load tho,
open the box with the X, make a new entry, let's say the name is
amd on the left, you enterPitch
as it's input, now,A
, this is useful when there's a lot of code you need to change, so mayhaps it's on a rotator, if you do it manually, you have to dive and change every rotator, while if you are using variables tab, you can just change that one input and everything changes, bam, ez.@Monarchii too bad I'm not understanding ft very well
@Yish42 because I like using the variables tab kek
@WritersCrusadersAirCo no it's alright,i scroll to fast too sometimes
@WritersCrusadersAirCo yeah,check the forum
@Monarchii huh? Why would you need ft joysticks?
@WritersCrusadersAirCo you did win first
Wow that's great <3
@Yish42 vr huh... say, can joystick be configured to accept FT/Variables? far as I've tried... they can't... but maybe that's me only
@Monarchii i was tinking the same,except for vr since i want to start making vr thing to test out in vr
hmh... i should get around making another ground turret...
@WritersCrusadersAirCo @Monarchii
@NavalGunnery @CR929thenewSPplayer @001 @KSB24 @LunarEclipseSP @MABURv2