(As described in Robo-Lenin)
The Two-Star Banner
The Soviet Union (Russian: Sovetskiy Soyuz (Cyrillic incompatible with site seemingly)), unofficially known as the Soviet Unity, is a sovereign state formed on December 30th, 2023. It currently comprises of a single Republic, the Russian Soviet Socialist Republic (RSSR), though has long-term plans of expansion through voluntary entry. While starting from a derelict and decayed state and suffering extremely heavy migration (~45 million) in its early years, as of January 29th 2029 is it considered a superpower candidate by many, though some consider it already a superpower due to the unrivaled infiltration (and thus, hypothetically, assassination) capabilities of its KGB intelligence and secret policing agency.
Its governing structure is heavily centralized and fine-tuned, giving Absolute Power Without Legal Limit to its president, Ivan Ilya Ivanovich. The carefully adjusted system is nicknamed the "Law of Clause", as essentially everything can be done by-the-book with provisions in place for virtually every potential situation. It is as a result considered to be the most efficient bureaucracy in the world, despite its enormous size. Pursuit of some aspects of soviet democracy has been stated as a long-term goal, however official state opinion maintains that the Russian Soviet people are "currently incompatible with healthy democratic functions on a deep cultural level" due to reasons such as "severe culturally-imbedded corruption".
Population: 115,045,229 Humans, 1 Robot (Per 29/1/29 1:55 UTC central system count)
Official All-Union Languages: Russian, English (currently)
GDP (Nominal): ~$5.2 Trillion USD (2028 CIA estimate), ~$7.3 Trillion SOD (2029 Soian Associate Archive estimate)
GDP per capita: ~$45,200 USD (2028 CIA estimate), ~$63,450 SOD (2029 Soian Associate Archive estimate)
Capital: Moscow Kremlin (not to be confused with the city of Moscow, in which the Moscow Kremlin resides)
Largest industrial region: Moscow
Wealthiest region per capita: Moscow (~$60,000 USD (2028 CIA estimate), ~$85,000 SOD (2029 Soian Associate Archive estimate))
Most populous administrative region: Moscow Oblast
Flag details:
The Two-Star Banner is the official flag of the Soviet Union as a whole, and would thus apply overarchingly to any nations that may join in the future. Individual nations are allowed their own flags*. The sole current constituent Republic, the Russian Soviet Socialist Republic (RSSR), has only a prototype, hastily drawn up by President Ivanovich, which is rarely used.
The Two-Star Banner is heavily derived from the 1955-1991 (1955-1980 specifically) flag of the earlier USSR, using the same proportions and base components. The core difference lies in its featuring of two stars, instead of the USSR's flag's one. The two stars are side by side above the Hammer and Sickle.
While the star on the USSR's flag represents the Communist Party of the Soviet Union, the stars on the Two-Star Banner represent the Communist Party and President Ivanovich personally respectively. Ivanovich has (rather offhandedly) claimed that the second star was added to represent his critical and irreplaceable position in the Soviet government, and not "because it's the second Soviet Union".
100x50 proportional unit scale
Background is rgb(204,0,0)
Hammer and Sickle + Stars are rgb(255, 215, 0)
Stars exist in circles of 3.125 radius.
Two star's combined diameter is equal in width to the Hammer and Sickle
(12.5, square)
Center of Stars is 6.25 from top.
Left star is centered at 13.54, right is 19.8, from left.
Hammer and Sickle is centered at 16.67, 15.63.
Red star inside each star has a diameter of 2.
NOTE: Middle of Hammer and Sickle + Stars rectangle is 16.67, 12.51
Constituency flags:
RSSR (prototype placeholder):
The RSSR flag’s primary addition is a simple two-headed eagled carrying a crescent sash with Cyrillic initials of the Republic (RSSR). The Eagle represents the common Russian nation of the Republic, while the blue star between its heads signifies the repair of honesty and perseverance in the Russian people from corruption and apathy.
*Concerns exist due to predictions that a future greatly expanded Soviet Union would divide itself into administrative Sub-Unions subservient to the central government based on cultural or economic closeness. It is unknown what the flag policies or sovereignty considerations of these hypothetical groupings would be. Likely Sub-Unions include:
-NUSSR: New Union of Soviet Socialist Republics - Post-Soviet states/Russophone states, unless more closely aligned with EU at time of joining. Predicted to be called "Republics".
-EU: European Union - Current EU/EU aligned states. Predicted to be called "States".
-USA: United States of America - Likely would be given Sub-Union status due to size and importance. Could be granted second name, likely to the effect of "Union of American Soviet States".
-SRC: Soviet Republic of China - Likely would be given Sub-Union status due to size and importance.
-ASF: African Soviet Federation - Could possibly be multiple, would very probably be divided along cultural and ethnic lines to avoid internal conflicts. Predicted to be called "Nations" to reflect re-drawing of borders.
How these Sub-Unions would be organized and how different they'd be from simply being single constituent states is subject to multiple theories as the topic has not yet been clearly addressed by the Soviet Government.
I hope this doesn't get classified as "offensive" and reported. In case you feel offended by this as some sort of defence of the USSR, it isn't really. The similarity in names and styles is, canonically, both an aesthetic choice (a major contributor for the 1967-born Ivanovich) and and early bid to win over those holding nostalgia for the USSR long enough to make the effectiveness of the new government clear enough to stand on its own right.
This does not function as some sort of defence of Soviet Socialism, nor really a condemnation, as it is stated to be highly dependent on a leader who is frankly not really human.
So don't take this like it's some sort of irl political proposal, because it isn't.
It's a bit of worldbuilding relating to a silly post I made a few days ago.
@Vetrillum Enemy of the state.
Cummunism :>
@EnglishGarden oh how generous of you m
there you go
People keep giving this thing upvotes yet not one comment.
Wow @Majakalona so funny hahahahahahahahaha