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Hello everyone. but I hope the mobile mods and maps can be returned because they are compatible and may not be fixed, so I hope they come back and fix it.

4 Nazarelsantos  one year ago

I hope mobile is return and fix for compatible??😔🙏

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    @HuskyDynamics01 compatible?

    one year ago
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    The reason that mods are no longer supported on iOS/Android is because Apple and Google have both decided to prevent "third-party" (read: player-created) code from running on their devices. Jundroo had no control over this decision, and is not responsible for the inability to support mods on iOS/Android devices. This has been the case for several years now, and is quite unlikely to change.

    (Actually, I don't think iOS even ever supported modding in the first place.)

    +3 one year ago