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Yet Another Jet Teaser

5,341 shibusu  one year ago

From generic idiot #996 on the Simpleplanes website,
presenting the ACR AF-60A-20.

A somewhat modern multi-role with its roots in the mid 70's, being continuously upgraded since then. Like the F-16, the aircraft was designed with manoeuvrability at the forefront of its design philosophy, although the AF-60 is significantly larger and heavier. Its size and bulk allow it to make it to M2.38 and carry a whole boat load of munitions to drop on unsuspecting combatants below, or fling missiles beyond visual range at other jets.

The large delta wings provide it plenty of lift in any combination of airspeed, angle of attack and altitude. A set of canards on the front keep it in to control, the aircraft being neutrally stable. Leading-edge slats are also present to give it even more lift beyond normal angles of attack.

A digital fly-by-wire system prevents out-of-envelope flight...unless you want it.

Usually the fly-by-wire limits you to about 30 degrees of alpha and 9 Gs, but if you want to do away with that for a spectacular airshow manoeuvre or decide you want to retire the airframe prematurely, you can.

Coming soon enough. Probably.