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I just wanna little things

10.6k PowerStoneY  one year ago

Would it be difficult to assign VTOL nozzles to VTOL engines? Like Car Engine and Resizeable Wheels... If it's added, it would be nice way if the engine is automatically select when there's no engine assigned to the nozzle.

There's also an issue where when overriding engine exhaust color excluding VTOL engines/nozzles, the area around the root forcibly lowers the blue value, causing the wanted color not to appear.
Is there a solution to this problem that I might not know about? If not, I hope it gets resolved together!

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    61.9k TheMouse

    I know.

    one year ago
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    10.6k PowerStoneY

    @Mousewithamachinegun123 I knew it. That make me sadder...

    +1 one year ago
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    61.9k TheMouse

    Cool, but they are not doing updates anymore. (Insert sad face) However, vtol nozzles in Juno would be great, as they do not even have them yet. (As far as I know)

    one year ago