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TFMGAC Tailcodes, Squadrons, & other stuff

49.3k ShinyGemsBro  11 months ago


Coughs out left lung

Im sick today.


I've been wanting to post these in the forums just as little trivia about the Tactical Forces Military's Global Air Combat branch, or Air Force. They're mostly from their two famed combat wings (And the fact they're the only two I ever focus on). This thread just explains stuff regarding them.

Let's start off with the 51st Combat Wing. These guys are the frontline combat workhorses of the TFMGAC; possessing air superiority, multirole, naval fighters, attack, and even rotary-wing aircraft, and are among the handful of Combat Wings in the branch that purposely fly attack helicopters.

The 51st has been around since the foundation of the TFM back in the 2nd World War and still takes the seat of the air force's most decorated and experienced fighting wing. Many of the branch's great aces were/are from here.

The 51st Combat Wing is divided into four squadrons, each squadron taking on specialist roles when deployed for active combat:

The Aurora Squadron is the dedicated Air Superiority fighter group of the Greentails. They're responsible for throwing hands with other fighters of enemy air forces, and have the highest recorded total killcount and air victories in the modern history of the TFMGAC. They mainly fly the F-22E Shadow Raptor and Su-57C Twister Felon as their vanguard combat jets.

Their tailcode AA denote Anti Air, pertaining to their role.

The Snake Squadron is more general-purpose in mission. Their tasks range from basic combat air patrol of the Federation of Atlantic Island Nations' airspaces to supporting other squadrons in combat, and even dropping bombs over insurgency strongholds in nearby territories. They mainly fly multirole fighters such as the F-16G Mamba Viper or the MiG-29D Super Fulcrum.

Their tailcode WA denotes Wright Airbase, the 51st CW's home airfield, and is among the only fighter groups in the entire TFMGAC to have their home base as their tailcode. It was originally planned to have the squadron have it's code as SS but TFM Central Command deemed it too similar to Nazi Germany's Schutzstaffel abbreviation, and it was decided that WA would suffice.

The Buzzer Squadron is where the daredevils of the 51st CW reside. Their primary role is air interdiction, where they'll fly behind enemy lines, avoiding enemy detection, and bring chaos upon critical enemy positions before hightailing it out once all their ammo and ordnance are spent. They initially used F-14 Tomcats and F-4 Phantoms as their primary fighters but have since moved on to the F/A-18 Legacy and Super/Buzzer Hornets.

Their tailcode BZ simply refers to the first and third letters of the word Buzzer

The Raider Squadron is home to the hard hitting ground-pounders of the Greentails. All aircraft within this group are dedicated for attacking surface targets, and supporting land or seaborne forces in combat operations. The Raider Squadron is one of the squadrons in the active forces that utilize attack helicopters for missions. Their primary fixed-wing attack jets are the A-10D Super Greyhog and upgraded Su-25 Frogfoots and at times, even AC-130 gunships. For their primary attack helicopters, they use the AH-64D Super Apache and Mi-34D Super Hind.

Their tailcode RS simply refer to the first letters of their squadron name.

Now we have the 173rd Combat Wing. These guys are set for total air dominance, as all squadrons fly air superiority fighters with only very few multirole aircraft acting as support. Though the Screaming Yellowtails are only a recently formed fighter wing, their pilots have shown exceptional skills in combat missions. Especially during the 1st TFM-Darkcorp war, where they made a name for themselves fighting the international terror force's airpower on equal footing. They're considered as underdog rivals of the 51st Combat Wing.

As with the 51st, the 173rd is divided into four squadrons, all of which are for air superiority, but can conduct limited strike missions:

First we have the Sunset Squadron. They're the most experienced out of the four fighter groups in the 173rd, and have already produced a few aces within their ranks, and their numbers rising today in the ongoing second TFM-Darkcorp War. The Sunset Squadron primarily used the Su-30SM but are gradually phasing them out for the Su-57C Twister Felon.

Their tailcode PM means Post-Meridiem, pointing to the name of their squadron.

The Sunrise Squadron is the sister fighter group of the Sunset Squadron, possessing the same aircraft as they do, albeit lacking 5th generation fighters. By tradition, the Sunrise Squadron is always deployed in the early morning hours or by the crack of dawn to strike enemy bases or to intercept any airborne hostiles moving during those times.

Their tailcode AM means Ante Meridiem which denotes their squadron name, Sunrise/Morning

The Midnight Squadron is the 173rd's night fighter group. Their missions mostly take place after dusk, and are conducted in total darkness, where they attack hostile installations and critical infrastructure with precision-guided munitions. The main and most numerous fighter aircraft is the F-15G Block 10 Stinger Eagle.

Their tailcode MN simply refers to the first and fourth letters of their squadron name.

Lastly, we have the High Noon squadron. Majority of the fighters in this group consist of the F-22E Shadow Raptor now, with a handful of their old Su-27s kept as reserve jets. Although they're the most advanced of the four fighter groups, they're not as experienced as the Sunset Squadron. The High Noons are the sister squadron and polar opposite of the Midnight Squadron.

Their tailcode HN simply points to the first letters of the word High Noon, which is another term for midday or 12 o'clock.

That pretty much sums it all up about the 51st and 173rd. I'll leave this post here for future reference everytime I end up forgetting how the two wings work or what their aircraft and roles are.

Hope you found all that at least mildly interesting if you went through them.

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    49.3k ShinyGemsBro


    11 months ago
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    49.3k ShinyGemsBro

    @Crums FlightArms made most of the TFMGAC's 5th gen fighter fleet so I doubt the Twister Felon is on the same level as original ones built by Sukhoi

    +1 11 months ago
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    75.7k Monarchii

    very interesting!

    11 months ago
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    49.3k ShinyGemsBro


    +1 11 months ago
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    49.3k ShinyGemsBro


    11 months ago
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    36.0k Speedhunter

    I love it, also, Get well soon bro.

    I love the Midnight Squadron the most, Hopefully they also get a variant of the F-15 S/MTD for their top ace

    11 months ago
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    49.3k ShinyGemsBro


    +1 11 months ago
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    49.3k ShinyGemsBro


    +1 11 months ago