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Well the account will given away

205 Leonwantsplanes  one year ago

Hello again, reading this means that the account will be given away. Reason being that I can’t really post at all and I want somebody to post for me during my time off since I am finding ways to get simple planes without having to pay which you think “oh just use a apk” well this is from my iPhone and that really just my only device. Who ever wants the account for now keep in mind:
Can’t change my gmail to yours
Don’t delete the account
Don’t change the password as I would gmail you all the details
And just have fun for now
If you want the account just tag me upvote this
Bye community for now and stay random
Random Stuff Industries

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    31.0k 32

    2 things:
    1. SimplePlanes costs money. Playing SimplePlanes for free is illegal, and is pretty much robbing the developers. My advice for someone like you is ask your parents if they'll buy you the game in exchange for x amount of chores. You might be surprised at how well that works. For an adult with a job, $7 is really not that much money.

    2. Idk if I would give away the account. If it's somebody you personally know that's one thing, but while this community is generally pretty nice, you never know if they're going to use it to evade a ban in the future, harrass someone, or post content that you aren't okay with.

    +1 one year ago
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    29.8k YarisSedan


    +1 one year ago
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    62.0k TheMouse

    This is a bad idea. Some person did this a while back as a community account, and things went downhill fast.
    Edit: Very down hill, very fast.

    one year ago
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    I am finding ways to get simple planes without having to pay

    That's piracy. Don't pirate from Jundroo, they are nice people.

    +1 one year ago
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    Yeah I know it just that I don’t have much time to find ways to get sp on my other devices even tho I payed for it.

    one year ago
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    There's no algorithm on the SP site. You can put uploading on hold for as long as you like and come back to it and your planes will still get upvotes.

    Also this is probably not a good idea :p

    +1 one year ago