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Finally back* after a 100ish day break...

2,935 PriusCat  one year ago

So... I've been gone for a while. did anyone even care lol? I don't feel like as if I've got enough of a following to be considered important on this website.

Sorry for the extended break, but my life got pretty busy. I had planned to begin work on my F2G-1 during my six week Christmas break, but my parents got me a job on my final day of my college classes. because it was a Night shift job my sleep schedule got messed up. Time I could have spent working on my F2G-1 or my other little projects were spent sleeping or playing something else. before I knew it, my 6 week Christmas break had passed and I got back into my college classes. because of this I've only really got 2 days of free time. Only then did I notice that I've been burnt out on simple planes. for 8 years I've been playing this game, and I guess I finally got tired of doing the same thing for that long. So on my free time I've just been playing War Thunder, and grinding. After about 100 days I'm deciding to get back into simple planes.

after taking that break it feels good to be back honestly, but considering how busy I am nowadays, my already slow aircraft build rate is probably going to be even slower. Sadly this means that all of my planned mini projects will be postponed until I've finished the F2G-1. so my B787-9[GE] V2 Detail modification, F-16 block 52 w/ CFTs / F-16i Sufa, and F-16 aggressor Livery will stop being worked on. worry not though for I have two planned liveries which are already in the works that I plan to post while I work on my F2G-1.

I've decided that from now on my Liveries and modifications will be posted as separate builds rather than put into the Liveries and modifications post. Although I don't really like the Idea of posting someone else's build if it hasn't been modified enough, I'm going to do this because The Liveries and Modifications post is getting "full". considering that it took me 4 hours just to make that one post, I don't want to go through that suffering again. other than that the post didn't get that many people, and apparently not everyone can see the clickable image links. When I post a Livery or modification I'll make sure to credit the original builder as well as to state its livery or modifications. If you'd want to see the original builders post you could always click the auto credit.

My current progress on the F2G-1 and 2 Liveries

So this is the crown jewel of all my years and experience on simple planes and... wait? Its just the cowling??? cough cough* jokes aside, During my six weeks of break time all I was able to get started was the shape of the front of the F2G-1. to say I've just started would be an understatement. I've probably only put upwards of like 30 minutes of work into this because of how little time I put into simple planes during my break. This is were I'll be putting the bulk of my time into working on, but with how little time I got these days that work is going to be real slow. I've got big plans on this aircraft, with the biggest one being (hopefully) a accurate cockpit which you can fly in VR. For Christmas I got the Quest 3 and being able to fly planes in VR is a completely different experience. If everything goes well, you'll be able to fly this craft with decent cockpit fidelity.

My first livery I've started work on sense getting back on simple planes is a new version of my Parade Livery. Technically this would be my 3rd time making this livery. This is my In Universe version of the real life Texas ANG 111FS 90th Anniversary Livery. Although 95% of the top of the livery is exact to the real one, the paint job under the plane is 100% original. I am basically already done with this one, to finish it I just got to add a bit more text.

My other livery I'm currently working on is the F-4s Phantom VF-301 Devil's Disciples livery. I just had to make this. with my recent purchase of the F-4s on War Thunder (It was on the Christmas sale) and ReinMcDeer's Update on his F-4s, It was like as if the stars aligned for me. At the moment the livery is at its very early stages but once I finish the Parade livery, I'll get to work on this one.

Yea that's about it. I'll see you again when I post my next build eventually. and remember, Don't forget to take it slow... but take it!