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I feel way in over my head

3,780 ThatKindaWeeb  one year ago

I'm gonna level with you, I'm honestly not super smart and I'm also really lazy, so talking about doing all this stuff that I have planned, I just feel like...

I can't do it

I tried making a J-10A as something for the japanese planes I have to chew up (lol)
But I just couldn't. It was too complex, and I've talked about making a spaceplane lol, what a joke...

This is sort of a problem I've noticed with flyout, now that that's a thing, it's too complex for someone who knows barely anything about the planes I look at, that's all I really do, I just look at them, I don't know how they work, I can't tell the difference between a F-15C and F-15CJ, I don't know

I need advice, this has been really bugging me for a while, the fact when I build a plane, I have no idea what I'm even doing...

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    I appreciate the encouragement everyone

    Pinned one year ago
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    97.0k ReinMcDeer

    @ThatKindaWeeb I wouldn't even do custom gears starting off, but I might be able to help
    Afterburners are relatively easy, it's the same as before but with a slight difference
    You need a BFE300 for the engine and a BFE150 for the afterburner.
    For the BFE300, look up the engine power you need in kN. You are looking for thrust without afterburner, it's typically called "dry" (ex. 75 kN thrust dry). Divide it by 300 and that's the BFE300 engine power you'll use.
    Now, for the BFE150, look up the engine power with afterburner in kN, typically called "wet" (ex. 100 kN thrust wet). What we need to do is find how much thrust the afterburner adds to the dry thrust, so subtract the thrust wet from the thrust dry (ex. 100-75=25 kN). Take this number and divide it by 150 and that's your BFE150 engine power. For FT, something like clamp01(Throttle>.95) should suffice, but you have some freedom here with what you use.
    For both of these, I'd make the exhaustScale=0 and use another BFE300 scaled to be small (scale=0.25,0.25,0.25 or 0.1,0.1,0.1 should be good) and with a large exhaustScale value, say =10,10,10, for the flame (change as needed. This is better than the VTOL nozzles since you get independent control over each afterburner if you have multiple. Make sure this one has the same FT as the BFE150.

    one year ago
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    @Monarchii Well, your stuff looks to have a clean finish, at least.

    one year ago
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    @SPairforce I get it, kinda like drawing

    one year ago
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    33.8k SPairforce

    Don't feel like you are obligated to build replicas. Sometimes, in my experience anyway, it's best to just start building from scratch with a basic idea of what I want, and just let the build take shape from there.

    one year ago
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    @ReinMcDeer in that case, mind helping me with the landing gear? I don't need cutouts, all I need are the fake doors n stuff, like the ME-262 you made

    Also, how does you calculate engine power with an afterburner, I ask cause I'm gonna mod one of your F-15's

    one year ago
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    @Monarchii I see

    one year ago
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    28.7k Dragoranos

    i dont know the difference between a F-35 and a J-35 too

    one year ago
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    85.7k Monarchii

    @ThatKindaWeeb a

    one year ago
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    85.7k Monarchii

    anyway... my turn of saying words...

    make what interests you the most, take a rest once in a while. SP is a funkie engine to play with, but with enough experience and knowledge, you can pretty much break the basic shapes(and rough part count) of it, i can say confidently i could make a J-10 in 26 parts roughly, or F-4 in 37 parts, it's just flight time so to speak.

    one year ago
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    @Monarchii well I'm not really interested in my rank, I just wanna make things

    one year ago
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    85.7k Monarchii


    Platinum rank achievable by simply posting.

    prime example : me

    one year ago
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    @ReinMcDeer I'm literally gonna save that image now...

    +1 one year ago
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    @ShinyGemsBro I see, mb lol

    one year ago
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    9,034 Yish42

    @ThatKindaWeeb oh.... sorry to hear that

    one year ago
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    @ShinyGemsBro did you mention me?

    one year ago
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    51.0k ShinyGemsBro

    Look at everything I've done so far.
    You'll get your answer.

    one year ago
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    51.0k ShinyGemsBro

    Just build. That's it.
    If you don't enjoy it, then don't do it.
    If you know you want to get it done, then get it done.
    You're not obliged to finish every build you can nor are there any hard deadlines set down that you have to meet. If you want to get a build done, then get it done. You can ask for help if you need it. Anyone willing to or know how to help, they'll lend a hand.

    Look at me. I'm not smart either. I have zero noggin juice to squeeze out in making FunkyTrees code, but I like what I do. And alot of people do too.

    And just so you know, only three people can be tagged per comment. I didn't get a notification from this.

    one year ago
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    97.0k ReinMcDeer

    Best advice I can give is start small
    Dont focus on trying to do custom gears and bays, fancy funky trees, and an accurate flight model and all that on your first couple builds
    Just get an airframe out
    It might be ugly but you still learn from that experience. We all have to start somewhere

    one year ago
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    @Strucker the Boulder reached the top of the hill

    one year ago
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    Honestly, the most important thing that I've learnt in this game is to prioritize your own enjoyment over making the most accurate/beautiful thing ever. You may not build the best, but if you had fun while doing it, you'll be a lot more satisfied than if you made the most perfect thing in the world at the cost of your own enjoyment

    +3 one year ago
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    27.8k Strucker

    @OrangeConnor2 Yeah if you’re good enough at it. Which I by no means am. Aka: Platinum rank achievable by simply posting.

    one year ago
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    ->”I also hardly know anything about planes.”

    So you’re saying there’s a chance?

    one year ago
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    27.8k Strucker

    I also hardly know anything about planes. Not to mention I have also had pretty bad experiences on SP discord.

    one year ago
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    @Yish42 I guess was bullied off, idk, it happened a while ago

    +1 one year ago
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