@TalonTheCRTguy no i mean, what state did you live on, that's genuinely bizzare to me (im not from the states, that's why i sounded like i was weirded out lol)
@DatTrainGuy19 once a Lamborghini drove by me for the first time and I was like meh then when a beat up crown Vic in a parking lot had me going "wow very nice!"
@TalonTheCRTguy and looking at images, yeah, the '98 dodge dakota is like about as tall as a regular car, but since it's left hand drive, it's not even allowed to be on indonesian road (yes, we use right hand drive instead of left hand drive, just like in japan, and also because of laws here and stuff, unfortunately, no left hand drive cars are allowed.)
@DatTrainGuy19 I obtained an antenna cable from the garbage
@TalonTheCRTguy yes it is, almost everyone had a crt tv, i think it's because of how cheap they are, also, my wifi router died for about an hour lmao.
@DatTrainGuy19 are CRT tvs common where you live???
@TalonTheCRTguy i only had one, sadly :<
@DatTrainGuy19 mhm I know that but I am flexing that I have four TVs that are super cool and older then me
@TalonTheCRTguy i was just explaining as to why i commented the same thing twice, tried the classic unplug, then replug method, no luck.
One is worth 550 bucks
@DatTrainGuy19 I have four crt tvs
@TalonTheCRTguy my wifi router is acting up for some reason... no clue what the heck is wrong with it.
built Ford tough
@DatTrainGuy19 you sent the comment twice
@TalonTheCRTguy nah, it's fine, im tired asf
its like 1am here lmao
I think I worded that wrong...
@DatTrainGuy19 due to personal reasons that information is strictly restricted to no one but people I know in real life
@TalonTheCRTguy no i mean, what state did you live on, that's genuinely bizzare to me (im not from the states, that's why i sounded like i was weirded out lol)
@DatTrainGuy19 once a Lamborghini drove by me for the first time and I was like meh then when a beat up crown Vic in a parking lot had me going "wow very nice!"
@TalonTheCRTguy uhh... what state did you actually live on what the heck-
@DatTrainGuy19 then another time I saw a uhhh Corvette without the hood not rare but it was cool!
@TalonTheCRTguy most normal traffic in 'murica:
@DatTrainGuy19 once I saw something sorta uncommon nothing crazy tho pulled onto the side of the road ya know.
Just a F-4 phantom
@TalonTheCRTguy ah, intresting! we also have a crap ton of mitsubishi fuso semi truck and isuzu boxtrucks around here.
@DatTrainGuy19 in the United States the part where I live I see isuzus and Nissan and Toyota trucks alot surprisingly!
@TalonTheCRTguy im telling you, when i said that indonesia is drastically different, im not lying when i said that lmfao.
@DatTrainGuy19 oh didn't know that!
@TalonTheCRTguy and looking at images, yeah, the '98 dodge dakota is like about as tall as a regular car, but since it's left hand drive, it's not even allowed to be on indonesian road (yes, we use right hand drive instead of left hand drive, just like in japan, and also because of laws here and stuff, unfortunately, no left hand drive cars are allowed.)