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Story based off of @IMFLYINHERE 's story based off of ColonelCanada 's story

2,581 IMFLYINHERE  1.1 years ago

1830, November 25, 2022

Private pilot and ww2 collector John Eckett takes off of Wright Ilse North Runway in his prized P-51-D. He has just got approved by the government to use his 50 cals on his plane. He goes to fly around, balloon busting set up balloons around the canyon in Wright Ilse. He sees a massive squadron of twin engined planes.

1900, November 25, 2022

Capt. Lloyd "Ghost" Howard is about to take off, just when he hears the massive roar of a squadron of propellor driven planes. He sees 35 twin engine planes diving at him, preparing to kamikaze. "Tutorial Planes!" He says, as the surrounding destroyers of the USS Beast open fire with their machine guns. Unarmed kamikaze planes are very dangerous to fight, as the automated missile launchers on the destroyer escorts cannot detect aggressive planes that have not already attacked, and kamikaze planes are already destroyed and do their damage when it is too late. This limits manned machine gun posts. About 4 planes hit the ocean, one sinks the left destroyer and the other destroys the bridge of the USS Beast. The catapult is damaged in the attack so Capt. Lloyd cannot take off.

John Eckett sees the destruction and rushes to save the fleet. He opens fire his 6 .50 caliber machine guns, and shoots down 15 of the tutorial planes, and the right destroyer shoots down two. Sailors unarmed watch in awe after jumping overboard at the ww2 escque dogfight ensuing above them. Eckett's p51 gets severely damaged severely damaged, and he returns to Wright Ilse north after a successful crash landing.

Two Sardine AV-8 harriers are dispatched and make short work of the remaining 13 planes.

12 medivac boats and 3 seaplanes rush to the fleet, as well as a helicopter to save John Eckett. He is given the Medal of Honor for saving a military carrier strike group with a ww2 plane, and he joins the Air Force. After auditioning in his p51 and fighter jets, it shows he performs much better in a p51 than in fighter jets. He is given a second, slower but stronger and more tailored towards ground attacks wartime setup of an early p51, the P-51-B.

1500, November 26, 2022

Operation Judgement Day

Lt. Eckett, given a moderate risk task due to his outdated plane, climbs into his new P-51-B and flys to bandit airport, where a squadron of Tutorial Planes are prepared for a second kamikaze attack. He launches rockets and 250 lbs bombs, and strafes the barracks and HQ with his machine guns. Another squadron of 5 tutorial planes patrolling the area swarm to ram into him, but he shoots them all down.

The 82 Airborne division is allotted one Jackhammer specially modified as an apc, an ifv, and is amphibious. A C130 flies over the Krakabola Canyon Ring, and drops 40 airborne troops and the Jackhammer. The Jackhammer lands with 4 large parachutes, and drives counter clock wise to meet head to head with the convoy. The AA tanks are destroyed as the Jackhammer's 50mm cannon makes short work of them, while the infantry element shoots at the trucks and uses sticky bombs to dismantle the up armored trucks.

1600, November 25, 2022

When Capt. Lloyd Howard finally reached Snowstone, there was another friendly carrier strike group set to meet up with him. The battleships launched Cleaver (Tomahawk) missiles at the Snowstone base launchers. The salvo, while most were shot down, hit one AA station. The other was "Ghost" Howard's target to take. He launched the first four inferno missiles (AGM-114 Heckfire), but they were all shot down. The base, however, had much, much more guardian (AIM-9 Sidewinders). His F-18 had been exhausted of all of its flares, yet it was not enough. As he got within 3000 feet of the launcher, he has switched to his MK 83 dumb bombs, one hand on the drop switch, the other on the ejection handle. As he flew over the target, he called to the base "bombs away!", and right before he met the same fate as the missile launcher he ejected, watching his F/A-18 explode right below him. He parachuted silently, and as he landed he drew his service pistol. A guard, smoking and not paying attention, is swiftly knocked out, as Howard aquires the guard's rifle, ammunition, and a combat knife. Having practiced his Snowian language and accent, he stole the guards unifwith his own. Si his pistol was relatively co. He manned an AA gun, falsely shooting at the decoy drones shaped like F-18s flying behind his own. When the Snowian destroyer came out, he swam underneath it and placed magnetic depth charges on the destroyer. He swam back up to shore, unsuspecting, and when it blew up, and all the debris fell, he fell back into the water to explain later why his uniform was drenched. He ran to the airfield to get in a Su-24 Fencer (Helkeska) shooting at the Snowian soldiers following him, he took off, dropping bombs and launching missiles at the base's soldiers and tanks. He encountered a mixture of Su-27 and mig 29 interceptors. His Air to Air missiles made short work of them, and as he flew back to base, he called over the radio to both carrier groups (if you see an SU-24 Fencer (Hekeska) flying over or towards you, DO NOT, I REPEAT, DO NOT SHOOT IT DOWN! THIS IS Capt. Lloyd "Ghost Howard, part of the VFA-237 Mauraders who flew an F/A-18E Super Hornet! I am in captured Snowian ground soldier uniform in a captured SU-24. I am friendly. I have dropped my load of munitions, and flares.

1800, November 25, 2022

Cpt. Howard is on final approach of landing on the USS Beast, with much difficulty. In order to land he has to set throttle to 0% flaps to 100%, activate speed brakes, and drag chutes due to the fact that there is no arresting hook on the SU-24. He is welcomed back, and given a new flight uniform.