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Why does this happen to me?

1,906 Kurtcobain69  one year ago

I've been bullied since kindergarten, all my male classmates hate me, I don't know why, whether it's because of my name or because they just hate me, they make me feel bad every miserable day of my life, they made me feel bad. I feel bad on my birthday, they never accepted me. I offered them my friendship and they trampled it. I have no desire to live.

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    11.9k oldmate52

    the past is the past. one day you will meat someone who you can be happy with

    one year ago
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    30.6k Nerfaddict

    the best choice one can make during times of hardship is to keep pushing forwards, even when there are more prefered options out there.

    The past is the past. There is no changing it. But dwell on it enough and the pain will never subside and it will become very difficult if not impossible to move on and move forwards.

    We may seem like random names on the internet, but we will be there for you. We got your back. No matter what pain you go through, We are there for you. You don't have to go through it on your own, You can ask for help if you need it.

    one year ago
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    1,906 Kurtcobain69

    @WisconsinStatePolice I am giving my best

    +1 one year ago
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    this has happened to me alot...... sort of still happening to this day

    edit: post removal speedrun 🤭

    one year ago
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    An imaginary friend once told me, "Happiness isn't a destination; it's a direction."
    Also, stop looking back, you're not going that way! Reflection is good, but don't dwell on negative things like this.
    Whatever you do brother, don't give up, and don't let others drag you down.

    +2 one year ago
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    38.5k Graingy

    I have been a corner person for a very long time.
    Perhaps try being a corner person?
    It is very relieving to not have to worry about maintaining fickle relationships.

    one year ago
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    1,906 Kurtcobain69

    @Monarchii Thanks

    +1 one year ago
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    84.1k Monarchii

    honestly, i have no words, but if i may... what I would say is what you did is correct, offer them your friendship.. but if they reject it, leave them be, that means they are not your people, you need not associate with them unless necessary, we as a community is here for you, cheers. 🍻

    +1 one year ago