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Museum visit

1,920 Cheeseburger33  one year ago

Hello guys. So last weekend I went to a museum, the museo Militar de Aviación or military aviation museum(MUMA) here in Mexico. It was a long ahh trip but it was so worth it

The museum is located at the 1st airforce base near the Felipe Angeles International Airport so we saw some aeroméxico and stuff planes taking off

When you arrive you're greeted by a C-130


T-33! 1!1!1!1!(Shameless self-promotion time:
Check out the T-33 on my profile)

After passing through the C-130, DC-3 and T-33 in that order we arrived at the main museum

First presidential plane. DC-3 "El mexicano"

Goofy looking plane. Don't remember it's name, sorry

Military aviation museum "Aviator lieutenant José Espinosa Fuentes"

Quite a warm welcome

Map of aircraft on the interior of the museum, doesn't show planes hanging on the ceiling or on the outdoor section

1. P-47
2. PC-9M( I saw one fly over my home on the Independence parade once)
3. T-33
4. IAI-201
5. T-66
6. PC-6
7. Vampire TMK.11
8. B-25J
9. Unsure, sorry
10. TNCA serie H
11. F-5! 1!1!1!!11
12. PC-7
13. S 3130 alouette
14. R-6
15. UC-45
16. SA-330JM
17. "Pinocho" plane
18. Azcarate

Now for Alex's identification contest, prize is nothing!

(got tired of writing names, just guess)

"Pilots are a rare kind of humans. They abandon the oridnary surface of the world, to purify their souls in the sky, and come down to earth to receive the communion of infinity" TLDR: Pilots just built different Fr Fr

"I sent u my engine please respond"

Big heli lmfao

This picture hits hard, feel free to screenshot

No touchey(inhumane amounts of restraint ensued)

Amazing experience 10/10

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    @Cheeseburger33 Wow, really very interesting photos! A very beautiful museum, despite the age of the planes, they are maintained in excellent condition, you know

    11 months ago
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    one year ago
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    I would love to see these pictures. Maybe there is some other way for you to show it?

    one year ago
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    pictures gone :(

    one year ago
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    Ugh how does one post a Pic on the forums

    one year ago