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my entire career in Simpleplanes in a short story

14.9k ManWithAMusket  6 months ago

0-100 points (white-bronze):

I didn't even know about the ranking system and I also still posting planes for fun (my first "build" is asking people to put an American airlines livery on an A350 💀)

100-500 points (bronze)

still didn't know what the ranking system is but started to get serious after @LM0418 give me some motivation after he spotlighted my Konrad Adenauer 757 (shout out to him, he supported me back then, until now actually)
also @Funny, which his name at the time is Trainsair56, helped me with a Lufthansa 787 and teached me how to make cheatlines

500-1000 points (bronze-silver)

started to learn about the ranking system, really greedy to get Silver that I started to make teasers on everything

1000-5000 points (silver-gold)

"wow, I'm started to get a lot of upvote, let's continue this!"
literally what my mind says
also took over ThatOne7877 account and made it my alt
@Monarchii and @ZerkkZxe came to help, @Monarchii guides me on how to make a good screenshot of my build (telling me how to use devConsole, thanks Monarchii) while @ZerkkZxe makes 80% of the text labels I used on my planes, they're both a really good people, thanks!

5000-now points

no going back, my journey to platinum just started

to be continued at 25k.......

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    9,201 Transair56

    @AF1 yea ik

    +1 6 months ago
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    @Funnny ah yes you, you keep changing name to the point that I literally forgot you

    6 months ago
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    9,201 Transair56

    remember me? I’m the one that helped you with your Lufthansa 787 and how to make a cheatline

    +1 6 months ago
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    26.2k Default4

    @AF1 //CameraTarget>>Camera.backgroundColor 0.5,0.5,0.5,1

    6 months ago
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    71.4k Zerkk



    +1 6 months ago
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    @ZerkkZxe ah okay

    +1 6 months ago
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    71.4k Zerkk

    I'm now active in another account on discord.
    So sorry if I'm not respond in discord.

    +1 6 months ago
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    guys, I already know the commands @Wheat @TriStar, I told you Monarchii already told me and also there's a whole forum about that, but thanks anyway

    6 months ago
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    26.2k Default4

    //maincamera>camera.set_depth 10

    +1 6 months ago
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    30.0k TriStar

    //MainCamera>Transform.localEulerAngles 0,0,z

    +1 6 months ago