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Can you like make fuselage pieces more friction-ey? more grippy?

64.2k Monarchii  7 months ago

I'm curious, cause a slidey carrier deck isn't exactly the.. best experience let's say. on the top of my head i could just use hemispheres but that's.. a sphere, and if I'm patient enough with the deck dotting, it would have an ungodly amount of part count.. so yea, I'm curious.

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    64.2k Monarchii


    +1 5 months ago
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    16.7k dekanii

    i hope it would support on my most outdated phone ever

    5 months ago
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    16.7k dekanii

    @Monarchii they already did though, its in the future base game

    +1 5 months ago
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    55.0k TheMouse

    Read this

    5 months ago
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    64.2k Monarchii

    @TheMouse sweet, atleast im guessing at minimal maybe 1.5gb ram? or 1gb but that's unlikely, at most... 2gb..? idk i'm just guessing since i don't know much about steam stuff lmao

    5 months ago
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    55.0k TheMouse

    Definitely. But most people I have asked thought it would be ok for mobile, based on its stats on steam.

    +1 5 months ago
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    64.2k Monarchii

    @TheMouse hopefully it doesnt need that much processing power though with all that lmao, certainly would be more ram hungry than current SP but probably not by much since SP is already such a low ram munching game on most part

    5 months ago
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    55.0k TheMouse

    Did you even watch the video? They had waves, and underwater camera.

    5 months ago
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    64.2k Monarchii

    @TheMouse fucc yea, shipbuilding baybeee XD, and they better add underwater camera!! XD

    5 months ago
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    55.0k TheMouse

    Under 60 feet would be stupid if it is still a thing. But from the video, it looked like ship building stuff would be a lot easier.

    +1 5 months ago
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    64.2k Monarchii

    @screechy honestly i hope they actually like, make shipbuilding an actual sector people can make massive use of, like arrestor gear... and weapon doesnt dissapear under 60ft, such and so

    +1 5 months ago
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    16.7k dekanii

    @TheMouse we need it, although its not very nessesary to have it

    5 months ago
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    16.7k dekanii

    @Monarchii Its the USS Infinity for sure

    +1 5 months ago
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    55.0k TheMouse

    I certainly hope so.

    5 months ago
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    16.7k dekanii

    Too bad we dont cant have custom arresting gear, maybe SP2 will have it?

    5 months ago
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    55.0k TheMouse

    No, I will try that.

    5 months ago
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    64.2k Monarchii

    @TheMouse like 2yrs or so, 3 yrs by this point; say have you tested like going through the Aircraft Carrier tag from the most upvoted?

    +1 5 months ago
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    55.0k TheMouse

    That gives me absolutely 0 info. I did not know your first account. I did not even know this was your second account until a month or 2 ago. How long did you have your old account?

    +1 5 months ago
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    64.2k Monarchii

    @TheMouse no, i don't think it was from Inuyasha.. i remember it being very well detailed and made, was it Infinity of sorts? idk its been like a very long while and i remembered that from like when i was mid 30-40k back back back in my deleted account iirc

    +1 5 months ago
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    55.0k TheMouse

    this might have some stuff. I cannot download it at the moment.
    Edit: I downloaded it. It does not have them.

    5 months ago
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    55.0k TheMouse

    Let me look. I remember seeing one at one point.

    5 months ago
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    64.2k Monarchii

    @TheMouse tbh tho, i remember someone did make another arrestor gear of sorts and idk if it works but it has something to do with like, i think magnets?

    +1 5 months ago
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    55.0k TheMouse

    POV: you are on a destroyer next to the uss beast.

    5 months ago
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    64.2k Monarchii

    that's like one of the more important kit even in WW2, WW1-Interwar you could probably pass with none but WW2/Modern? nah lmao, unless its a helicopter carrier which i guess isnt really a normal carrier(my Type-76 BCV MRNS Chervona Nobylsk definitely is that)

    +1 5 months ago
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    55.0k TheMouse

    Nope, I do not think so.

    5 months ago
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