I’m making a heavy bomber
And the turret code is just say no it’s not me because I quickly made some that uses the code perfectly but the aircraft refuses to work properly
My patience is so thin that if it was the earth’s atmosphere there would be no life
The aircraft already use a FT code for the landing gear but it just doesn’t want to use other code
How am I supposed to make a heavy bomber that doesn’t have any defensive armament
Why is my FT code just deciding not to work on one specific aircraft
6,593 Samfpanzer
8 months ago
@Samfpanzer well that is quite odd
Can you give me the link of the project so I can see if I can fix it?
@IceCraftGaming yes
@Samfpanzer now how about the rotators? Do the inputs have CameraX/90 and CameraY/90 inputted correctly?
@IceCraftGaming it should I’ve checked it a few times but I’ll check again
Edit : still no work : (
@Samfpanzer well does the camera you have, have the correct variables? Like does LookPitch have CameraY and LookYaw CameraX?
@IceCraftGaming my problem is no spin I’ve tried both rotators and nether of them work
@Samfpanzer ohh look aim
That's much easier to fix then.
What's your specific problem? Overspin? Underspin?
@IceCraftGaming I don't use auto-aim, I use look-aim
@Samfpanzer some FT Auto Aim codes rely on cockpits. Im guessing its by aiming at the enemy craft relative to your craft (a.k.a your cockpit part)
@IceCraftGaming cockpit placement? How would that be related
@Samfpanzer well that's quite odd.
Well one last thing, maybe the cockpit placement of your heavy bomber is different from the cockpit placement of your other crafts?
@IceCraftGaming the rotator was not inverted
@Samfpanzer how about if the rotators were inverted? Did you check that?
@IceCraftGaming everything is connected properly that was one of the first things I checked
Broken connections?