Not much I need to say here other than this is one of various variants I will be making, the MH-60T Jayhawk (modified Seahawk)
I see some coast guard ships, anyone need a coast guard helicopter?
8,374 Airheaddivision
one year ago
@Babs22 I can help you with the spinning part, perks of being a fanatic of the Blackhawk and knowing how it works, you see the tail rotor’s sensitivity is something i couldn’t really stop so i highly recommend just giving it a little input (in other words, nudge) not a a whole lot, it’s especially weird when flying at higher speeds.
@Airheaddivision when you a finished let me know I would love to try it. Also I love all the builds especially the black hawk but the black hawk is very difficult to control airborne the tail wanders really bad and I can't keep it from spinning out. Absolutely amazing helicopter tho I still fly it and try to get it under control!
@Airheaddivision awesome definitely excited I'm a coast guard anything fanatic and I've been dying for a good helicopter! Love your builds they are pretty good!
@Babs22 alright, since you’ve asked and I have postponed this project a little too long, I’ll make it right after a make a plane.
Saw one of these a few weeks ago, awesome aircraft.
Yes please make this!
@FaLLin1 I’d love to see it!
i manged to make an accurate black hawk air frame, if u want I'll post it for u so u can take a look or even apply it on ur black hawk variants