Unlike the A300/A310, modern airbus planes have a sidestick right? Then why it has so much movements when on landing?
Why the airbus sidestick has so much movements when on landing?
12.6k DJRianGamerTheHololiveFan
one year ago
Like when you watch an airbus a320 or an a380 landing vid from the cockpit, you will notice that the pilot has so much movements on the sidestick.
In this case "Some bumpy conditions dictates a little “mayonnaise shaking” sidestick operation." They call it that because that's how you can make mayonnaise. (or butter or whipped cream.)
Watch This https://youtu.be/t_R45td63qg?si=ySnWMvKCJo8ILsfy
@Kerbango https://youtu.be/ileQBrOOBw4?si=DGWgxHeVF0vNHc8G skip to 2:40 to see it.
maybe post the video link so we know what you are referring to.