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Build Challenge Results

24.6k RobertsAeronautics  11 months ago

Sorry for the delay – I'm quite lazy with challenges. But the results are out – they are!

1st Equal:

rock climber by GrandPrix


GND Kiryu Hypercar by Gandana

I couldn't decide which one was better. In the end, I decided both are equally brilliant.
Rewards: 10 Upvotes each


AnglA [ANA-1e] by MTPlanesSP

My favourite bit is the landing gear.
Rewards: 6 Upvotes
4th: SenCase SN-700 by Gastonplanes

Cool design.
Reward: 4 Upvotes
5th: Victory Marks pack by Gandana

A cool addition to your WW2 plane.
Reward: 2 Upvotes
6th: Whatever you want by LamborghiniCheeseWedge

Took this challenge literally :-)
Reward: 1 Upvote.

Final thoughts

I was quite lazy with this challenge, but I did test the entries. Still, I might not do another build challenge.