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Wondering where the beacon lights on the Sea Vixen is placed

35.6k Speedhunter  6 months ago

I couldn't find where the becaon and nav lights on the Sea Vixen are placed.... I know nav lights are placed on the wing tips but is it forward, middle or aft?

Also, In my search I found 2 proposed variant concepts

sea vix variants

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    35.6k Speedhunter

    @TheAviator77 it does, Perhaps I might make it too, but only time will tell

    5 months ago
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    @Speedhunter That supersonic Sea Vixen looks awesome. The long range one would be better too.

    +1 5 months ago
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    14.6k Randomplayer

    Lemme check wt

    +1 6 months ago
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    15.4k BYardley

    @Speedhunter so true

    +1 6 months ago
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    35.6k Speedhunter

    @BYardley ah yes, I agree it is unique and it does look similar to the P-38

    +1 6 months ago
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    15.4k BYardley

    @Speedhunter to be honest it looks unique and why people call it ugly it looks beautiful in my opinion just like the P38 LIGHTNING

    +1 6 months ago
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    35.6k Speedhunter

    @BYardley oooh I see, I kinda wanna know your opinion on it since..... It's quite a polarizing plane.... Some find it beautiful for its body others find it ugly for the asymetric cockpit

    +1 6 months ago
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    15.4k BYardley

    @Speedhunter I couldn't find anything about lights also this is the first time I see this plane

    +1 6 months ago
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    35.6k Speedhunter

    @BYardley I found where the Nav lights are, but Im still not sure if there are lights on the upper part of the tail....
    I feel like the Vixen is like both well known yet information about it isn't quite as preserved as say the F-86's

    +1 6 months ago
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    15.4k BYardley

    This is strange I couldn't find where they are placed too I've searched every thing I can

    +1 6 months ago