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When a malfunction trim makes the pilot decided to go for a wrong turn - The story of DJAirlines flight 24.

12.8k DJRianGamerTheHololiveFan  one year ago

On October 3, 2023 DJAirlines flight 24 was a scheduled flight from Wright Airport to Yeager Airport. They were 30 passengers and 4 crew members on board.
2 days before the accident, the trim was inspected and it was perfectly fine but... it wont be fine for long. On the day of the accident, 32 y/o Capt. Henry Joseph, a former international Cebu Pacific ATR 72 pilot was an experienced captain. With 26,000 flight hours. The copilot was 28 y/o. And his name was Andy Jones. He was a former FedEx copilot with more than 30,000 flight hours. At 12:00 pm, flight 24 took off but all of a sudden... the trim starts to go down. The copilot was asking the captain to turn the plane to the left but instead, Henry turned the plane inverted and crashed near the ATC tower. 34 people on board died on the accident including the 2 pilots and 2 flight attendants.
The Brazilian Transportation Safety Bureau (idk the name) found out that the trim's hydraulic system has malfunctioned causing the trim to go down.

CVR Transcript

Capt.: alright let's takeoff
F.O: ok
F.O: 90
F.O: 100
F.O: 120
Capt.: V1
F.O rotate
Capt.: positive climb, gear up
F.O: gear up
trim warning sound
Capt.: OH S###!
Capt.: OK!
whoop whoop pull up
end of recording

Aircraft Info

Airline: DJAirlines
Aircraft: Embraer EMB-120 Brasilia
Registration number: DJ-EMB4
Capacity: 34

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    9,295 Transair56


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    11.1k Kenzar

    @MrSilverWolf Sorry

    one year ago
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    @TriStar @KenzarAircraft yo guys I literally just cleaned that up don’t start it again

    +4 one year ago
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    Where do I go from here,… theres a lot I want to say, idk really how to put it all in order or in a proper way, so I see like 95% of your posts stir drama up, which half is brought up by other users, however the posts you have been making have been very questionable lately and skirting some fine lines, and I’m almost wanting to give a strike or a temp ban due to these, especially after you keep mentioning that you are stalking people then not stalking people, Im really trying to help ya out with not having to go this route but if this is gonna be a continuous issue, I will have to, if it was like 1 post a month generating issues it wouldn’t be so bad but it’s like every day it’s something

    +13 one year ago
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    @Strucker please don’t add to this

    +1 one year ago
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    @RepublicOfCursedPlanes guys… please… again I feel like I need a default comment in the notes to copy and paste here with how many times I have to say this… if he is breaking rules please just report it, no need to try telling him how to post

    +2 one year ago