Hello, I'm a new user here, I want to know a few things. So, can you explain to me how to insert the link? all opinions are appreciated.
Thanks for the attention.
Hello, I'm a new user here, I want to know a few things. So, can you explain to me how to insert the link? all opinions are appreciated.
Thanks for the attention.
Hopefully these links are very helpful.
[text to click](the link)
image link (needs at least 100 points to use)
![random text](Put Image address here)
Images don't work in comments
To make a clickable link, do this: [clickable text] (link)
Without a space in between.
नमस्ते, मैं यहाँ एक नया उपयोगकर्ता हूँ, मैं बहुत सी बातें जानना चाहता हूँ। तो, क्या आप बता सकते हैं कि लिंक कैसे डालें?? सभी राय की सराहना की जाती है!