@GuardianAerospace No!
Of course not!
I mean the one I found up the rear of some dead Russian soldier in a timeline where NATO intervened in the Russo-Ukraine war.
I think the Dutch and Canadians had liberated that area...
Anyways, enough about that. some hoser left a perfectly good, albeit perhaps somewhat worn, ram rod just lying about! Who would do such a thing?
@GuardianAerospace nah, id win
@MonarchiiwithastolenMG look in a mirror, ur reflection should be close the fourth dimension after being flipped through dimensions I think
@GuardianAerospace that would imply it is a video, since the 4th dimension is time.. or i think that's how it probably should go, food for thought
@Graingy fair enough, compression and whatnot i guess
o fuc
@Graingy @MonarchiiwithastolenMG it is 4D
@MonarchiiwithastolenMG Huh
I assumed it was 2d
@Graingy yea, courtesy of FoxG, forgot where he took it from but its a 3d model
@MonarchiiwithastolenMG That's a 3D model?
@BYardley i wanna release a flock of them on a trail and tell em to say *RUN* to give some people nightmares
@MonarchiiwithastolenMG yeah =>
@Wheat satoru the go/at
You are definitely that guy whose type is someone that would actually just kill you
@GuardianAerospace *CWACKKKKKKKK*
*the crow god have arisen, rise, my fellow cawkers, FREE THY TONGUE AND TERRIFY PASSERBYS!!!*
crows can talk like parrots
@MonarchiiwithastolenMG Nice Cawkkk!
@GuardianAerospace WHAT THE *CAWKKK*
@Graingy I mean, it's still warspite if that's what you're looking for, my current pfp is just the 3d model that seseren did
@MonarchiiwithastolenMG furry? Commence the Incineration procedure
@Graingy b.. bulb..??
@GuardianAerospace uhh... *cawk?*
@Mousewithamachinegun122 I mean, everything is a flower if you generalize enough
@GuardianAerospace No!
Of course not!
I mean the one I found up the rear of some dead Russian soldier in a timeline where NATO intervened in the Russo-Ukraine war.
I think the Dutch and Canadians had liberated that area...
Anyways, enough about that. some hoser left a perfectly good, albeit perhaps somewhat worn, ram rod just lying about! Who would do such a thing?
@MonarchiiwithastolenMG Bulb
Also Monarchii's old avatar was supposed to be Warspite, right?
With dual gun turrets?
I am not sure about that.