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[Monarchii War] Day 0 - First Contact

81.2k TheUltimatePlaneLover  one year ago

Day 0 of the Monarchii War (name pending) is underway!

Here's your news update
100% Unbiased

Starting today's article with some sad news, the Lagwing Supercarrier has been destroyed. A formation of five MiG-125 Bye-Biplanes were sent to attack the massive carrier, and damaged it critically. Its frontal superstructure was completely destroyed, its main elevator was cracked, and the engine was shot out. The aircraft crashed on the side of Wright Isles, having been destroyed just after takeoff. Thankfully, the crew of the carrier itself was able to survive the crash, as the Lagwing's massive size took the brunt of the hit. However, fighter crews that attempted to escape the crash by flying away were quickly shot down.

Lagwing in his last moments, with his engine on fire and frontal fuselage severed

Meanwhile, the oceans by Wright Airport have been just as violent.
For starters, the large USS Beast aircraft carrier was attacked by an AH-25 Defender, one of the MGLA's attack helicopters. The AH-25 managed to do a heavy amount of damage with its machine gun, but was shot down by three destroyer missiles before it could completely destroy the carrier. The carrier's side is neutral, being used by both MGLA aircraft and Monarchii aircraft, so the exact cause of this attack is unknown. Regardless, the USS Beast will be repaired, but understandably, the location has not been disclosed.

The AH-25 fires a blitz of bullets at the carrier

Dogfights have also been anything but rare in the areas. In an unlikely matchup, a Monarchii Harrier was pitted against a MiG-15bis from the MGLA. The two fighters proved to be equally matched, surprisingly, but at the end of the day, both fighters were forced to retreat due to low fuel and battle damage. Maybe one day the climactic ending to this fight will finally occur, but for now there is not much else to say.

The Harrier and MiG-15bis in combat

Another unlike fighter has shown itself, the PF-19A Siege. One of the oldest operational fighters in this war, the PF-19A runs on two supercharged propeller engines that make it a formidable fighter in combat- or so we thought. The first three were deployed today, but they proved no match for Monarchii's Air Force, with one being downed on takeoff, the other being shot down during the dogfight, and the sole survivor landing with heavy, possibly even irreparable damage, meanwhile the Monarchii Fulcrums took only one loss, with the others being virtually unscathed. Is the PF-19A still relevant, or is it an obsolete fighter in this war?

Three PF-19As take off from Wright. However...

Only one of the three pictured would survive this mission. One was shot down on takeoff and crashed into a nearby mountain, shown here

On the other hand, another MGLA aircraft with a lot of hype surrounding it has been doing quite well; the A-40B Havoc II. Despite primarily being an attack aircraft, the A-40B made its debut here in dogfights, scoring three kills and one non-fatal hit on MiG-125s, while the Havoc IIs lost none of their own. The high speed and maneuverability were likely key features about the A-40B, allowing them to arrive on enemy territory significantly faster than other warplanes of the conflict like TUPL's F-11Y3 or Amousewithamachinegun122's Killer Wasp.

An A-40 contends with a MiG-125

Two A-40s during a night mission, one being the famous 013 doing a cobra maneuver, and the other being 072, closest to the camera.

We now shift our attention to the frigid peaks of Snowstone. MGLA's Snowstone attack was "announced" beforehand, with the former Soviet Flying T-34 doing touch-and-go's on the Ice Base, swiftly eluding the missile launchers without ever firing a bullet. Her taunting would only prove the beginning of the attack,

The Flying T-34 taking off from the Ice Base during a mockery touch-and-go on it

So far, the attack on Snowstone has started small, with only 4 M-32 Tankos and 2 M49 Shock Main Battle Tanks being deployed. However, perhaps the "starting small" idea was a bad one. So far, three of the M-32 Tankos have been destroyed with ease, two by an airstrike and one by the Ice Base. The fourth M-32 Tanko was high-centered by the rough terrain of Snowstone and left for dead. Its future fate remains unknown, but as of now, despite being immobilized, it is the sole survivor of the four M-32s sent to besiege Snowstone.

One of the four M-32 Tankos lies destroyed after an airstrike

The M49s however, were much more fortunate. These Main Battle Tanks were built with strength in mind, and strength they had. One of the M49s caused some damage to enemy weaponry, destroying two Hell Cannon Is whilst lightly damaging another. The said M49 was hit by enemy fire, but confirmed to be functional in spite of any damages. The other M49 saw no combat today, but rather found one of the Soviet-captured B-29s. How did it end up in Snowstone? No one knows yet, especially since it was apprehended by the Russians in 1949. Thankfully, it appears to be in decent condition despite propeller damages, and recovery attempts will be made.

An M49 spots the Soviet B-29

Ditto, different angle

That's all the news for today! Check back in tomorrow for the next news update! Farewell and stay safe out there!

The Monarchii War News Updates

Insert credits music here
-WIZARD2017- The B-29
-Me of course
-You :)

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    @WisconsinStatePolice No problem mate, just reach out if you have any questions

    +1 11 months ago
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    Incredible, thank you my friend @TheUltimatePlaneLover

    +1 11 months ago
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    @WisconsinStatePolice Aight

    1: As far as I know, it was the Monarchii's Yamato Flagship (lent by LunarEclipseSP) that was involved with the first maritime engagement. There were maritime events prior, but they were all either non-aggressive, training, or with the USS Beast/Tiny/Tiny Two Fleets. As for the second half of that question, the Yamato struck MGLA tanks and such from the sea, technically both sides were the aggressor, as the MGLA was attempting to invade the area where it happened, Snowstone, but the Yamato fired the first weapons of the engagement. However, for the sake of simplicity, we'll say the MGLA was the defender, and The Monarchii the aggressor.

    2: The massive cascade into the war basically goes as this: Monarchii stole a machine gun from TheMouse, formerly MouseWithAMachineGun123, as a part of a joke/skit. Mouse took this "personally" and declared war on Monarchii, except it didn't escalate until CrestelAeronautics and I officially joined the war, becoming the first ever external members of the war. I think they first realized they were in a shooting war when this historical document a few paragraphs above was released. Yes, we are commenting on the world's wake-up call that the now famous yet short lived M-War had begun.

    3: If we're talking about in real life, March 15, 2024 (Friday), sometime in the afternoon, I'm placing my bet anywhere from 2:00 PM to 4:00 PM (Pacific Time, 7:00 AM to 9:00 AM Zulu time). If you mean in the SimplePlanes Timeline this takes place in, I'm guessing around the exact same date lol. Technically speaking, it actually began hours before when TheMouse declared war, but the actual fighting, news coverage, craze and hype didn't start until around the time this article was posted, so that's my guess above.

    Anything else you need? I'm happy to help :)

    +1 11 months ago
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    I have a few questions for a project I am working on my dearest sir, feel free to rope in others for the response, I need all the answers I can get.

    1: Excluding the Attack on the USS Beast, what was the first maritime engagement between Monarchii and MGLA forces, whether that be an air raid on a convoy or ship-to-ship fighting? Who was the defender, and who was the aggressor?
    2: What events truly kicked off the war? When did both sides realize “Oh snap, we’re in a shooting war.”
    3: What exact date and time (preferably with local and Zulu if possible) did the war begin?
    11 months ago
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    40.5k Graingy

    You are a threat to my publicity.
    That is the sole term of any agreement.

    one year ago
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    Probably 3 days after the SNC Commissioner took your ball and pretended he was "fortune-telling".
    –DCP Elrond Sumersant, SNC

    +1 one year ago
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    89.2k Monarchii

    @TheUltimatePlaneLover a driving instructor teaching cavemen how to drive call it... reverse engine, here

    one year ago
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    @Graingy HELP ME

    one year ago
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    40.5k Graingy

    @MonarchiiwithastolenMG That is actually @Guywhobuildsstuff's exact reasoning omg

    one year ago
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    @MonarchiiwithastolenMG noooooooooooooo

    one year ago
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    89.2k Monarchii

    @TheUltimatePlaneLover flip an engineer upside down call it...
    reversed engineer

    one year ago
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    @MonarchiiwithastolenMG AHGGGGG

    one year ago
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    89.2k Monarchii

    engineer backing up to a parking spot, call it.. reverse engineer

    one year ago
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    89.2k Monarchii

    or idk

    one year ago
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    89.2k Monarchii

    @TheUltimatePlaneLover how bout you reverse-engineer some creativity, shush

    one year ago
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    Yeah, can't access files on iPad unless there's like some crazy app that turns an iPad into a Mac
    now back to pressing matters
    We don't make jokes around reverse-engineering around me

    one year ago
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    89.2k Monarchii

    oh well, sad

    one year ago
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    89.2k Monarchii

    @TheUltimatePlaneLover hm.. well, idk how it is then, never had an iPad before so eh

    one year ago
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    @MonarchiiwithastolenMG I use iPad??

    one year ago
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    89.2k Monarchii

    @TheUltimatePlaneLover I meant like manually adding plane .xml to like the uhh.. aircraft folder

    +1 one year ago
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    @MonarchiiwithastolenMG I mean possibly but I don't think so, is that like the bulletScale/tracerColor thing

    one year ago
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    89.2k Monarchii

    @TheUltimatePlaneLover bold words for someone in ASAP territory >:3

    found one of my old comments linking to a drive filled with my old Arcade-ASAP planes, basically ace-combatey fighters, a lot of varients actually, you know how to manually add XML files right?

    +1 one year ago
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    @MonarchiiwithastolenMG ...You used the R.E. words
    You gave me trauma
    You will not be forgiven for that
    A squadron of B-9B Nuclear Strikes are rapidly approaching your homebase

    one year ago
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    89.2k Monarchii

    @Graingy they want the machine gun, I can't give them, MY SCIENTIST ARE REVERSE ENGINEERING IT AND I NEED TIME, THIS COULD SAVE HUMANITY!!

    +1 one year ago
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    40.5k Graingy

    I don't have three weeks!
    Can't you guys, like, hold a ceasefire or something?
    To "negotiate"?
    I used one to procrastinate with @Guywhobuildsstuff for ages after they submitted a treaty (which later got rejected).

    one year ago
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