As you have (hopefully) read the title of this post, you’re probably wondering why I won’t be interacting with the community. Yesterday, my grand father died of old age and I am still mourning his loss.
I may still look at crafts, play them, and talk to people in the community, but I won’t be as active as I usually am.
Hope everyone understands.
Just pinning you so you know.
Sorry to hear that.
I spent a couple years on a planet where dying of "old age" wasn't really something that happened. Like, at all. Usually people just got, like, crushed by a rock or something.
I guess I sorta forgot that can happen.
I'm getting off-topic, but I'm really just trying to say that you have my great sympathies.
@ColonelRelford Why thank you!
@ColonelRelford okay you do that
Good luck!
@ColonelRelford Yes. Delightfully nonsensical.
Quite a shame, really.
Yeah sorry about the other hosers here.
Well, damn.
Sorry to hear that.
Life's a pain sometimes.
It's fine mate, i've dealt with this exact thing before, still left a long lasting emotional scar in me... that got a little heavy... anyways, on a little side tangent... BAGHETTI
Sorry for your loss hope you feel better soon
Condolences mate... And take your time. Emotions are very important
take a good break and clear your mind, its fine, we all are here for you, on another side tangent, POTATOES
Monarchii changed their name. They are now @monarchiiwithastolenmg
Very sorry for your loss though.