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Attack on Tubby

34.5k Graingy  6 months ago

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    I remember the day the engineers rolled this thing out from the main factory building.
    No matter what I try, I still remember the day the engineers rolled this thing out from the main factory building.

    Pinned 6 months ago
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    34.5k Graingy
    Pinned 6 months ago
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    34.5k Graingy

    @Senkopilot Real

    6 months ago
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    34.5k Graingy

    @Mousewithamachinegun122 Eh, fair.
    They are quite pretty.

    6 months ago
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    53.6k TheMouse

    I prefer the dunes.

    +1 6 months ago
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    34.5k Graingy

    @Mousewithamachinegun122 Sorry, I've been using this site for so damn long that I swear my identity is starting to fuse with the account.
    Do you have any idea what there is to do on this dustball?
    It's this or the dunes, buddy boy.

    6 months ago
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    53.6k TheMouse

    YOUR most upvoted post? I thought that that was McKenzie?

    6 months ago
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    34.5k Graingy

    @Mousewithamachinegun122 Probably would've been more if I knew how to use right click to move the camera.
    At least, that was probably the reason why the pictures are so shite.

    +1 6 months ago
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    34.5k Graingy

    @Mousewithamachinegun122 This was once my #1 most upvoted craft for a long time, at 4 upvotes.

    +1 6 months ago
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    53.6k TheMouse

    Oh, wow!

    6 months ago
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    34.5k Graingy

    @Mousewithamachinegun122 My comrade in commune this predates Bob by 1.8 years

    +1 6 months ago
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    53.6k TheMouse

    Looks like a fancy bob

    6 months ago
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    34.5k Graingy

    @Majakalona Do you belly laugh?

    +1 6 months ago