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[Poster] Looking for Shipbuilding Talent

1,814 Subsere  one year ago

Copywrite Connor Mckenzie, Canada

In preparation for a predicted rise in intensity in the Eel War against the Eel Protectorate, we the MWBS have set aside great resources for the construction of a capital ship. We need something fast and survivable, suitable for launching raids against patrols, or, if need be, taking on an enemy fleet and having a good chance at surviving in acceptable condition.

We are in need of labour and specialists for the construction of this vessel. While the vessel has not yet been designed, it is of great importance that we begin as soon as feasible. To these ends we put out this flyer in search of talents and skillsets hat may assist us in our goal of oceangoing freedom.


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    90.2k Monarchii

    @OrangeConnor2 fair enough

    +1 one year ago
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    1,814 Subsere

    @MonarchiiwithastolenMG Eh, that’s @Guywhobuildsstuff’s call.

    one year ago
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    90.2k Monarchii

    @OrangeConnor2 what do you plan to do with accidentally caught eels then?

    one year ago
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    1,814 Subsere

    @MonarchiiwithastolenMG “serving both as powerful weapons platforms as well as critical battery-recovery vessels.”

    +1 one year ago
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    90.2k Monarchii

    @OrangeConnor2 so, what will you use it for?

    one year ago
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    1,814 Subsere

    I see.
    Those things are like four times the size, though.
    Longer, over 50% wider, greater draft.
    Also looks to have proper handrails, unlike the Fillets.

    one year ago
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    1,814 Subsere

    Thank you!
    I headed the design.
    And I don’t think I am familiar with the class? Cyclone?
    Gimme a sec

    one year ago
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    90.2k Monarchii

    @OrangeConnor2 it is quite good id say, reminds me of the Cyclone-class Patrol boats in some way, with somewhat relatively similar armaments so to speak

    +1 one year ago
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    1,814 Subsere

    @MonarchiiwithastolenMG Sure.
    Also as local ship lord, would you call this acceptable?

    +1 one year ago
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    90.2k Monarchii

    @OrangeConnor2 definitely not capsizing

    one year ago
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    1,814 Subsere

    @MonarchiiwithastolenMG What could POSSIBLY go wrong?

    one year ago
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    90.2k Monarchii

    @OrangeConnor2 just fit more powerplant or something, that'll probably work

    one year ago
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    1,814 Subsere

    @MonarchiiwithastolenMG I'm aware.
    Could be a challenge getting aircraft inside a cargo ship hull, and getting the desired speed, though, no?
    Getting our hands on a suitable vessel could be... challenging.
    If only the Great Eastern wasn't scrapped, it'd be perfect!
    Actually, no, it wouldn't be, but it'd look damn cool.

    +1 one year ago
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    90.2k Monarchii

    @OrangeConnor2 well, oil tanker or bulk carrier would be the obvious next choice would it? or such, you can do a lot with them actually, historically, in equivalence anyway, in WW2, they're converted into many uses, either as a Hilfskreuzer(German: Auxiliary Cruisers, basically old time privateering false flagging as some other ship) or in the case of the US/GB, CVEs(Carrier Vol, Escort), cargo ships back then we're relatively small, nowadays though, well, they're large are they not? that's how EPS Morrayge was able to mount those guns, or so it goes, historically too, converting other ship types into carrier was kinda a thing, such is the case for IJN Akagi, HMS Courageous, and USS Lexington among few.

    one year ago
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    1,814 Subsere

    @MonarchiiwithastolenMG I had never heard of that ship.
    Side-wheel aircraft carrier is... something.
    I fear something of that type would be easily caught by the Eel Protectorate. Getting sunk by the Morrayge would be rather humiliating, and expensive.

    +1 one year ago
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    90.2k Monarchii

    @OrangeConnor2 hm.. actually, I might have something.. how about like, take a few barges, weld them together end
    -to-end, and then weld a runway onto it, cheap, may work, idk, the other options are well, actual carriers and those are expensive... orr you could do a USS Wolverine and grab some paddle steamer or something

    one year ago
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    1,814 Subsere

    @MonarchiiwithastolenMG That sounds a bit too low-tech for our preferences.
    Could be a handy auxiliary, though.

    +1 one year ago
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    90.2k Monarchii

    @OrangeConnor2 have you considered a glorified modern seaplane carrier?

    one year ago
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    1,814 Subsere

    Anything to be better than those Australians and their fancy schmancy helicopter carrier.
    If it weren't for the fact this was for a raider group I'd call it an issue of national pride.

    +1 one year ago
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    1,814 Subsere

    @MonarchiiwithastolenMG Eh, we don't currently operate any helicopters, except for a single desecrated P-51 Mustang.
    Fixed-wing is the goal, even if it's only STOVL.

    +1 one year ago
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    90.2k Monarchii

    @OrangeConnor2 well, something like that is simple then i suppose; at the base level, its basically just a hull(this will dictate how long the runway is), the deck/runway(typically spanning from the forest to aft ends, may "hang" a bit longer than the hull but only by like 1-2% of the hull's length), and then the superstructure/island(basically a block on the right side of the runway, modern standard dictates it should be on the right because something about if the pilot has a bad approach, they'll most likely break/turn to the left); now, if you want something cheaply built or small and compact, may i recommend LHA(Landing Helicopter Assault) or LHD(Landing Helicopter Dock)? or Helicopter Carriers like the JS Kaga or JS Izumo, theoretically, they're capable of operating aircrafts albeit V/STOL like the F-35s and such and they wont be able to operate their full load either due to take-off weight but if you want cheap, some things had to be sacrificed

    +1 one year ago
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    1,814 Subsere

    @MonarchiiwithastolenMG Oh, trust me. I know the basics of Overload.
    Just basics.
    And that thing is quite old.
    Second World War, was it?
    Cannot remember. Some cheaply-built coastal bombardment cruiser, iirc.
    We're looking for something affordable. Probably similar size to the British Invincibles, or very possibly (likely) smaller, just less sophisticated since that'd be really, really expensive.

    +1 one year ago
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    90.2k Monarchii

    @OrangeConnor2 that's pretty decent, something like that is good, although the Superstructure(a.k.a the center building of the ship) could be better, but I'm pretty sure you know that already, the turret size could use some work(it's too big) but other than that it's decent, better than my first ships which I've lost sadly; aircraft carriers of what era exactly? but eitherway, they're basically just a ship with a very flat deck from fore to aft, which is much simpler if anything, anyway advice yes? make the ship heavy, since aircraft carriers need to support the weight of an aircraft, make the "massScale" of the fuselage rather high via XML, I'm sure you know how correct? if not, just open the mod on the main menu, activate it, get into the designer, then pick the fuselage you wanna change, and press the blue plane button on the bottom right

    one year ago
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    1,814 Subsere

    @MonarchiiwithastolenMG Hull forms, perhaps?
    This is some of the best I've gotten a good look at, and that's not saying much.
    Or, perhaps better, have you any experience with aircraft carriers?

    one year ago
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    90.2k Monarchii

    @OrangeConnor2 start simple i advise, use gyroscope to stabilize the hull, use two large wings(one in the center of the ship, one on the rear which is the rudder), basic rundown stuff really, anything else you're curious of?

    one year ago
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