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[Monarchii War] Upcoming Weapons

56.3k TheUltimatePlaneLover  6 months ago

Declassified weapons leak!! Ja!!!!

-Probably a cargo plane, trying to decide if I want it to be like a C-17, C-130, Harrier, or all three (one done, C-19 Hefty)
-I just remembered my Tiltwing Superfortress

-A new main battle Tank, because why not?
-Likely based on this

-M49A4, because the M49A3 is apparently getting schooled

-Modified LVL-100, since it can allegedly destroy the IS-3 (low chance due to failed attempt to destroy the IS-3)

-The Super Hydra Heavy Fighter (Already deployed)

-B-9C Nuclear Strike Super

-Possibly a new attack helicopter, but very low chance because helicopters are hard to make

-Maybe a Bradley-esque IFV?

-Cannon-powered Close-Range Assault aircraft (Arrived at Yeager)

-It rhymes with HNS-Ben M
-French tank enthusiasts might recognize it

-Remember that B-29 we stole back from Russia?

-Enargite VII (Construction of the first 25 finished, arriving at Yeager later on Day 6)
-I will not elaborate further

-LAGWING II (Almost finished, already stationed at Yeager)

-Seemeing's plane of death

-My last resort and secret weapon

-My laster resort and secreter weaponer

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    I have to have at least Enargite VII, Lagwing II, and M49A4 done by Friday. Better get grinding.

    Update: Enargite VII is finished, Lagwing II just a few finishing touches, and based on my plan I can probably have the M49A4 done in like 15-20 minutes, it's not a new tank this time, it'll just be an upgrade of the Shock MBT like the M1A2 vs the M1A1, or P-51D vs P-51B.

    Pinned 6 months ago
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    @ColonelRelford I'm literally [REDACTED] years old lol I don't work yet
    Soon though (time flies)

    6 months ago
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    @ColonelRelford no lol

    6 months ago
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    @ColonelRelford I can't afford RTX, duh

    6 months ago
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    @ColonelRelford If you mean irl nope ;-;

    6 months ago
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    @LunarEclipseSP Friday is the chance

    +1 6 months ago
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    I wish the Yamato would get more screen time

    6 months ago
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    @ColonelRelford pretty good, Enargite VII will join it soon, followed by Lagwing II, M49A4, and AMX-10M, in no particular order.

    6 months ago
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    @ColonelRelford The economy? ¯_(ツ)_/¯

    6 months ago
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    @TheAviator77 nice

    6 months ago
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    @TheUltimatePlaneLover I will offer to sell you a weapon that will greatly increase your performance in aerial combat.

    6 months ago
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    Lel (why am I even commenting I build shitty things and still feel like my larp ahh nation is good)

    6 months ago