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[Monarchii War] Day 6 - The Quiet Before the Storms: Part 2

56.3k TheUltimatePlaneLover  6 months ago

Day 6 of the Monarchii War, a moment of silence and peace before the world is scorched.

Day 6's newsletter...
Bias doesn't even exist here

So, today's news is quite underwhelming. In order to prepare for what comes tomorrow, I've decided to keep today's article as light as possible while still having some juice, so much so that this will actually be the only text wall you see today. Don't worry though, the pictures provided below tell you just about everything that happened. For the first time since the the war started, not a single weapon was fired out of anger today. But tomorrow, marking the one week anniversary of the war, is cut out to be different- far different.

"I don't see anything." "Yet."

"Enough talk, let's do this thing."


"It's so cold... I wish I had the other half of my face..."

"I'm here, when's the operation?"

"You could handle one renovated plane, how about two?"

"I won't give up on Snowstone that easily, it's showtime."

"Hello there, Swallow."

That's all the news for today. Literally, I'm not even joking. But tomorrow...

The Monarchii War News Updates

No credit music today
-WIZARD2017- The B-29
-Me of course
-Alisuchanka's KV-2
-QBZ1446607322's IS-3
-You :)

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    Tomorrow is gonna be fire... literally on two fronts! The first being massive gunfire, the second being that my iPad will likely die at least five times tomorrow ;-; f in the chat in advance for my iPad

    Pinned 6 months ago
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    61.7k Monarchii

    @Graingy maybe

    +1 5 months ago
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    34.3k Graingy

    @MonarchiiwithastolenMG Oh, do you got over your addiction.

    5 months ago
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    61.7k Monarchii

    @Graingy indeed, scurvy doesn't exist :P

    6 months ago
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    34.3k Graingy

    @MonarchiiwithastolenMG Lemons, you say?

    6 months ago
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    61.7k Monarchii

    @Graingy perfection, and do forget the oranges or lemons, we definitely won't ever need them

    6 months ago
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    34.3k Graingy

    @MonarchiiwithastolenMG Make the food so shit awful that you can't tell when it's spoiled in the ship's stores.

    +1 6 months ago
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    61.7k Monarchii

    i mean, isnt that why Britain are the greatest sailors?

    6 months ago
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    61.7k Monarchii

    or their food

    6 months ago
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    61.7k Monarchii

    or their womans

    6 months ago
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    61.7k Monarchii

    @Graingy good, i don't want their teeth

    6 months ago
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    34.3k Graingy

    @MonarchiiwithastolenMG Oh
    But do you have the cool theme song?
    But I'll tell you what, you may be a knockoff Great Britain but you'll never be the UK!

    6 months ago
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    61.7k Monarchii

    @Graingy pretty much established at this point that I'm a pseudo Great Britain

    6 months ago
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    61.7k Monarchii

    @windshifter1 we thank the WAEC for waging a rightful war, however, the Monarchii cannot say the same to the MGLA, and we will continue our rightful defense of the Snowstonian land, we will fight until the bitter tooth and the seven winds blow over, c'est la vie.

    6 months ago
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    @TheAviator77 Thanks for your service, here are your cookies

    6 months ago
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    @TheUltimatePlaneLover Alright, I officially join the MGLA. I hope my technologies will be of great assistance.

    Gimme cookie 🍪

    6 months ago
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    @TheAviator77 I would assume it to be Mousewithamachinegun122, being that he's the primary victim and first declarer of war, but I sort of see it like the Allies of World War II where we're all independent "nations" with our own militaries, and we're in more so of a collaboration than a monarchy or power triangle of some sort.

    Speaking of Monarchii, I'm guessing it's the same case for them, but you could ask them if you wanted

    6 months ago
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    @TheUltimatePlaneLover By the way, who is the head of MGLA

    6 months ago
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    @TheAviator77 Nice
    If you join us you can get free cookies

    6 months ago
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    @TheUltimatePlaneLover I am thinking about joining your side

    6 months ago
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    34.3k Graingy

    @MonarchiiwithastolenMG Is Monarchii a Monarchy?

    6 months ago
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    34.3k Graingy
    6 months ago
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    14.9k windshifter1

    @TheUltimatePlaneLover @MonarchiiwithastolenMG
    Windshifter's Aerospace Engineering Corporation (WAEC) confirms a strong and prepared defence. The existence and details of planned offensives will not be disclosed. WAEC has strict ethical rules and will under no circumstances attack unecessary targets. We can confirm we do not posess any nuclear arms, and do not intend to aquire any.

    6 months ago
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    @MonarchiiwithastolenMG A aight

    6 months ago
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    61.7k Monarchii

    @TheUltimatePlaneLover anyway, you missed one "I", it's Monarchii

    6 months ago
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