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delayed bomb fuse idea

3,078 erridkforname  9 months ago

so. as we all know, the bombs in sp just detonate instantly it touches something if its going higher than a certain velocity. but i have an idea, a what if. what if i make a bomb casing, a fake one, where it somehow just stops on impact immediately and doesnt explode, and the actual bomb is connected to it by a winch so that, when deployed, the bomb looks like it hit, but the actual bomb is some distance away so it takes a bit before it hits, mimicking a delayed explosion. as for how will i build this, il figure it out i guess. but i want to know if, is this even possible?

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    so i tested it out and, its possible. however the amount of fine tuning it needs is absurd. the concept works but tis difficult

    9 months ago
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    73.9k Monarchii

    maybe, i think a Fuselage with like, no part collisions(none) would work but i might be wrong

    9 months ago