Context: [ Link ]
it seems, that the WAEC has decided to break our agreement, this is no longer a just war, this is terrorism, you have forced us, we will respond in kind, we hope you the best of luck, the floodgates of the seven waves be upon ye, sincerity is not needed, Secretary of State for War, Earl Ashadin Moyvna Nirveliena.
I authorize the reactivation of Battleship Hollierre, today is a tragedy, our comrades of the Frigate F-001 was unjustly sank, we will respond will full Warfare, until the last drop of blood is shed, until the skies turn dark, until the ocean is red, we will fight, remember FOOL! REMEMBER OUR COMRADES!!
- First Lord of the Sea, Viscount Belle Advirna Shaygorod
We Shall Prevail under the Fair Seven Winds.
Monarchii's Invincible Fleet/Yamato Strike Group theme song
Let's do our best!
@EnglishGarden probably would work, idk
@MonarchiiwithastolenMG make them waterthirsty
@EnglishGarden everyone is bloodthirsty though lmao
@MonarchiiwithastolenMG just hug it out again
@EnglishGarden already did, but now we fight again lmao
just hug it out bruh
@MonarchiiwithastolenMG oof
@TheUltimatePlaneLover genuinely hoping that the war closes near though, peace talks and all, i still got like, 15.2 days more to go til i can change my name
@MonarchiiwithastolenMG yep lol
@TheUltimatePlaneLover better than an unjust war XD
Day 10: We're too weak.
Day 7 or smth: ULTIMATE POWER!!
The rapid de-escalation of war lol
@RepublicOfCursedPlanes blocc
@RepublicOfCursedPlanes hmm interesting
@derlurje I have some aircraft left over from BWC2...
@derlurje i will pass, although thank you for offerring
@Majakalona Machine Gun Liberator Army
@MonarchiiwithastolenMG yooooo seems yall need transport aircraft, i got some in stock if you want some
what does mgla stand for?
@Mousewithamachinegun122, I think...
@Dracul0Anderson Skypark would not have to worry about involvement in any way, shape, or form, however, we would advise Skypark Logistics ship to divert away from delivering towards Snowstone without escorts as so far it seems that MGLA attacks are ramping up towards a greater aggression, we have a proposal however for our best of interest, for the Monarchii Royal Navy to deploy escort ships to protect Skypark Cargo Ships should the need arises or if asked, we await your reply with anticipation, and Fair Seven Divine Winds to you, sincerely is my message, First Lord of the Sea, Viscount Belle Advirna Shaygorod.
SO, we've heard that there has been an escalation of the combat. Is this, anything that Skypark should be, concerned about?
@Apollo018362 imagine though, beating them with IRL and logic-based equipment, that would be a flex and several dozen lol