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[Monarchii War] Official Withdraws

74.7k TheUltimatePlaneLover  11 months ago

Okay, so
I've heard rumors about a new agreement with Monarchii forces saying that we will stop making OP/joke/low effort/etc aircraft. I'm not sure if it applies to pre-existing aircraft, but I don't see why it wouldn't, so I've decided to officially announce who stays and who leaves regarding my aircraft.
large inhale

-M-99 Tank Destroyer; staying for a few more days, but it will eventually be exported from Snowstone to elsewhere

-Super Bomber V1; uniquely being removed for the exact opposite reason as most aircraft, being too old and weak to prove effective, as such it will not only be removed from the Monarchii War, but (canonically) retired altogether.

-Super Bomber V2; it will continue to see service in the M-War, but due to several flaws it's likely it will be replaced once I made a V3.

-A-40S Havoc 69; Already removed, we initially removed it due to how difficult it was to fly, but it won't return for the reasons mentioned

-A-40B Havoc II; MOST will be removed and sent on my secret operation, but six will stay in the war for a while, namely 83013, 83018, 83023, 83025, 83033, and 83034. A handful will also be converted into reconnaissance aircraft to monitor growing tensions from Skypark, Wright, etc.

-Lagwing; despite his meme origins and overpowered defenses, I refuse to withdraw Lagwing at any costs. He is a symbol of pride, a force of intimidation, an effective flying aircraft carrier (along with the 747-400 AAC), and soon to be an electronic warfare station. Even Monarchii won't down it again, my brothers in the MGLA would have to kill Lagwing again themselves to get me to take him out of the war, and even then that would result in me attacking everyone, so Lagwing will not leave.

-M49A3; phased out in favor of the M49A4

-M49A4; planned to be in service until ineffective/outclassed

-SPEAR F-16; no forseeable retirements

-Flying T-34; service will continue for a while longer, but will be retired from frontline combat in at most two weeks, when she will continue to serve non-aggressive roles for the MGLA.

-P-10B; the P-10B is a tad overpowered, but let's be honest, it's nothing Monarchii can't handle, Three P-10Bs were sent to fight the already crippled Ice Base, and only one survived. Plus, Monarchii has received new weapons and allies since then. So in short, the P-10B will stay, but it will serve mostly air-to-ground roles since it will likely get whooped in any air-to-air scenario.

-F-67G; instant withdraw from the war, the F-67G is the epitome of overpowered aircraft, because although the A-40 is stronger, the F-67 was specifically designed to kill the already powerful F-11Y3, so it should make sense that the F-67 is quite overpowered.

-Su-78; soon retirement due to it being mostly combat ineffective and its aesthetics not being up to par with the new treaty

-MiG-15bis; the only one here who needs no explanation for why he will stay

-F-11Y3; rapid removal, but they will continue to serve air-to-air roles for tomorrow only and will continue to carry out airstrikes throughout the next two days following Day 9, but by Day 12 not a single F-11Y3 will be involved in the war. However, although the F-11Y3 will be retired due to its "overpowered nature," I will admit that Day 7's article was sabotaged, we lost not one Draconian to the Erusean Sea Vixen, but 4 Draconians killed, 6 damaged beyond repair, 2 indirectly killed when crashed due to damage, 1 indirectly killed when crippled by the Vixen and finished off by the Thunderfox, and 8 damaged within repair.

-F-11Y2; I initially planned to keep it, but in reality the F-11Y2 isn't that much weaker than the F-11Y3, so it will suffer the same fate.

-F-11Y1; service will continue as normal until the fighter is deemed ineffective

-F-11X; already retired due to ineffectiveness

-Skyrocket Strike Drone; how could I know? We haven't even deployed any yet!

-Da Tunk; Although I originally planned to save Da Tunk, I am considering withdrawing him due to being overpowered.

-Le Tonk; Le Tonk might stay, but who knows?

-Ohioan F-86; instant removal for sure, too OP, I wouldn't be surprised though, being that this was actually my original answer for freeing the Tu-4s, preceding the A-40 and M-99 (yes, I'm very salty about that, Russia, I have been for the past five months)

-M81A1; regular service until ineffective

-Modernized B-25J; no foreseeable retirement, but it might get upgraded again

-Modernized B-29; same as B-25

-AH-25 "Take Off And Never Land;" will likely be retired in favor of other upcoming MGLA helicopters, but for now will continue to serve being the only functional attack helicopter of the war (at least for a day or two more)

-B-9B Nuclear Strike; yes it's overpowered, but it's a nuclear missile so what would you expect? Unless we have some sort of nuclear arms treaty, I won't withdraw them. Besides, I only supplied five, none of which have even seen combat yet, so I see no reason to withdraw them from the war because of overpoweredness.

-XF-60 Tailflak; probably will be just fine, but I'm more than a little worried that all five will be shot down

-F-91 Hunterplane X; will probably stay for while to compensate for the withdraw of so many fighters

-Switcharoo Box Tank; never got deployed, but it's not too overpowered per se, so it may show up soon.

-Flying Wing; retired from the war due to being too weak

-M-32 Tanko; slowly being phased out from the war, but will continue to serve a little longer before complete replacement

-F/A-32 Striker; will probably receive a High-quality semi-realistic remake which will continue to serve for the remainder of the war

-PF-19 Siege; same fate as the F/A-32

-YF-86X-3; chances are that it will stay

-Enargite VII; regular service until ineffective

-AMX-10M; regular service until ineffective

-Literal Tank Destroyer; I'll have to ask

-Super Hydra Mk IV; regular service until ineffective

-CPCAS/AA; will be removed because overpowered and a (mostly) meme aircraft

I'll just say one more thing, I am not directly involved with the rules of the said treaty, so to those of you "authoritarians" of the agreement, feel free to request certain aircraft/tanks to stay or be removed, no guarantees, but please feel free to reach out.

I am going to regret this... I just know it...

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    @Mousewithamachinegun122 ok

    11 months ago
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    61.8k TheMouse

    @FOXHOUND26 @TheUltimatePlaneLover
    At the moment, I have resigned from the war, (essentially a cese fire has been agreed to) to give myself a chance to make a higher quality plane. I will rejoin once this plane has posted. This is a good chance to work on a high quality build, and then post it once we get back to work.

    11 months ago
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    @TheUltimatePlaneLover ok

    11 months ago
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    @FOXHOUND26 ok
    thought you should probably tell the higher ups like @MonarchiiwithastolenMG or @Mousewithamachinegun122, these are just my contributions for the said agreement, I have nothing to do with the actual making of rules.

    +1 11 months ago
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    @TheUltimatePlaneLover I know one of the aircraft I submitted is overpowered but some of the others I’m not sure but none of my vehicles have seen combat so will they still be able to participate for a day or 2 so I can A. Make changes Or B. Make new planes to replace them also are you able to give me a list of what planes need modifications or withdrawn completely thanks.

    11 months ago
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    @Apollo018362 probably not, I'm terrible at Mac controls and even then don't know how to get screenshots to the places I need them

    +1 11 months ago
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    94.3k Apollo018362

    Also, tag me on the war news please.

    11 months ago
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    94.3k Apollo018362

    Will there be an attack over Maywar?

    11 months ago
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    84.0k Monarchii

    thank you

    11 months ago
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    17.0k BYardley

    Just so you know feel free to tag me on the war news

    11 months ago
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    12.7k derlurje

    @windshifter1 well as a producer of goods, it is best if the buyer asks for said requests. but if you soo require i can make gunship, and tanker variants if you soo require, just contact me and we can make this happen.

    11 months ago
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    17.9k windshifter1

    @derlurje 15 is great! In newer productions, add whatever features you think would be useful and realistic.

    11 months ago
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    12.7k derlurje

    @Noname918181 SHHHHH we dont talk about me lore

    11 months ago
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    @derlurje me when I read the C-130's comment section

    11 months ago
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    12.7k derlurje

    @windshifter1 in stock I have like 15 ready to be delivered, but I can make more if you soo need

    maybe some...... extra features? id be happy to add

    11 months ago
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    17.9k windshifter1

    @derlurje Sure! I love the first one. Maybe not the second. How many y-ishce-15 can you give us for the war?

    11 months ago
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    12.7k derlurje

    @windshifter1 alright soo, here's my planes i am offering for this war effort!
    first we got the y-ishce-15
    a stol jet aircraft fit for the job of transporting.

    and a c130 on coke
    less realistic but it works well for transporting troops and light vehicles... just dont mind the psm that only used for airshows.

    11 months ago
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    17.9k windshifter1

    @derlurje Ahh ok I see. Just link them here and we can see if they are realistic enough.

    11 months ago
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    12.7k derlurje

    @windshifter1 I mean if you know me my stuff is on the verge of not realistic..... BUT I can offer you 2 aircraft that I have developed that are pretty realistic

    11 months ago
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    17.9k windshifter1

    @derlurje Yes please! As long as they are realistic. How many can you ship?

    11 months ago
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    17.9k windshifter1

    @TheUltimatePlaneLover Not at the moment, no. But just keep in mind to remove anything that would not work in real life - unrealistic or meme.

    11 months ago
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    12.7k derlurje

    @TheUltimatePlaneLover hello there! I see you have a lack of transport aircraft, may I offer some of mine to support your war effort?

    11 months ago
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    @windshifter1 oh, could I ask though, do you have any requests/suggestions for who else to remove/keep?

    11 months ago
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    @windshifter1 no worries, it was an obligation👌
    I needed A-40s for the other raid anyways

    11 months ago
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    17.9k windshifter1

    Thanks for doing this.

    +2 11 months ago
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