I have no clue at all how any of this refuelling stuff works, espeicially making a boom (which I don't even know has been done??). If anyone could help I'd really appreciate it
I need a port of some sort at the tip of the red arrow for a boom to insert into (magnets maybe??)
and I need an actual boom at the back beside the drogue.
many thanks to Inuyasha who already has helped with the refuel drogue seen here
here is the hatch through which the boom/drogue can be seen.
If you can help, I can @ you in an unlisted or simply comment below
I wish I could help, but my skills aren’t good enough to help
@Noname918181 I’ll give it a shot thanks
I heard that you can have a negative value for the transfer rate of the refuel drouge, which should mean that it would take fuel instead of give it, maybe try that? You could then use a refuel probe for the refueling boom of the tanker
That looks amazing!
Wish I could help you, unfortunately I don’t have any experience with refuel drogues whatsover