go back to what made you have biggie points
stuff that looks like something a white rank would've made
milk it until no one will upvote anymore
it's your "Cash cow"
Make a flying elmo, (like in the thumnbnail of this challange) that will rain nukes, and be able to walk around. And laser eyes. Do not forget the laser eyes.
@Speedhunter FUCK YES
@Noname918181 Something like this?
Make a Martin Model 262C
Make a helicopter but with the blades placed on the bottom of the craft
@Majakalona 💀
go back to what made you have biggie points
stuff that looks like something a white rank would've made
milk it until no one will upvote anymore
it's your "Cash cow"
i will give you three options
1.Grokhovsky G-38
2.Kostikov 302P
@Erc90F4RU lockhead L-TenEleven
@XAircraftManufacturer E-101?
@DatTrainAndCarGuy19 nuh uh
to hard
Monster Truck
I-250/MiG-13 :3
Make a twin boom MiG-21 with a tailhook for carrier ops
Plane with Pringles can fuselage
Make a flying elmo, (like in the thumnbnail of this challange) that will rain nukes, and be able to walk around. And laser eyes. Do not forget the laser eyes.